dealing static object


Getting the hang of it
May 13, 2015
My front cameras are being triggered by parked cars. I've uncheck static object analasis but it's still being triggered. However I still want it to trigger if a call do drive up to the driveway. I see that there's a configurable area that is not yet ready. How can we deal with situations like this w/o losing the detection in that area?
My front cameras are being triggered by parked cars. I've uncheck static object analasis but it's still being triggered. However I still want it to trigger if a call do drive up to the driveway. I see that there's a configurable area that is not yet ready. How can we deal with situations like this w/o losing the detection in that area?
You need to keep static object analysis turned on. BI/CP will not look for static objects to check against. It will treat every object as new causing alerts for parked cars, etc like you said.
You need to keep static object analysis turned on. BI/CP will not look for static objects to check against. It will treat every object as new causing alerts for parked cars, etc like you said.
that's the thing, static object analysis checked or not it still think those cars are moving.
As usual, post a screenshot of your field of view along with screenshots of you BI motion settings.

Some views are problematic as every car that goes by has a slightly different headlight shade so the parked car looks different to AI.

You may need to send more images for view and put in a to cancel item so that it forces it to analyze every image.
Did you check the config option in BI static objects, it should show you what it has found as static. You can then adjust the parameters BI uses to consider something static or not. It will allow you to check those changes right there when you click Analyse Now button. Luckily my BI works pretty well with stock options so I have not played too much with those options yet. It should look like this. It shows my Honda in the drive way and my neighbor's cars as static objects.

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I created some rules and can't delete them. It lets you think you are deleting them but they are there when you come back in. So be aware, this new functionality is not 100% yet!
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