Nayr has his Alpr software set up to crop the image for processing, not the camera or BI.
If your cam has 'target cropping', (Configuration> Advanced Configuration> Video/Audio> Target Cropping), that will
show the cropped portion of the full image in the THIRD stream, apparently (not the main stream.)
If your cam has an ROI tab (aRea Of Interest, go figure... under Video/Audio settings,) that can allow you to configure an area that maintains higher resolution (less compression) than the rest of the image, which might be an option to optimize the area of the full image that is most likely to have plates in it.
as for " I can select different exposures, but there is no SAVE feature enabled on that page", make sure you use Internet Explorer browser,
as some configuration aspects just don't work right on other browsers. sad but true. If you're already using IE, maybe post a screen shot
of that page? fwiw, i have my (Huisun) LP cams set at 1/1000, but that acts as a MAXIMUM exposure in that the cam auto-adjusts exposure to
shorter lengths of time as needed during the day, but won.t go longer then that at night. That's why I can get plates at night with a ton of IR but not see anything other
than plates and head/taillight... Basically, if you find a setting that works at night, the same setting will most likely work in the daytime
unless your cam is retarded like the LongSe's are, but your Hik should be fine...