Deepstack and Codeproject AI Woes

Jul 26, 2022
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Boston, MA USA
Hi all-
I had BI working pretty well with Deepstack, but based on my reading, I thought it might be good to try out Codeproject. I updated BI to the newest stable version, then installed CPAI. First the newest version, which I installed on the same machine as BI. It installed okay and was running but it kept going offline. I did some research and tried the solutions I found, but no improvement. I then uninstalled CP AI and installed an older version - 2.0.8 which I read was more stable. Same deal - worked but kept going offline.

After a few days and way too many hours, I gave up on CP and decided to go back to Deepstack. I uninstalled CP and deleted the folders under Program Files and Program Data. Rebooted. Installed Deepstack. Couldn't get Deepstack to start. I did a few reboots and a few more times re-running the Deepstack installer. Eventually I got to the page showing Deepstack was activated and was able to start it from BI.

However, now it keeps stopping with log messages showing AI not responding. It will restart and then come back to AI Not Responding.

I downgraded BI to the version I was running before all of this started, but still no improvement.

Apart from learning my lesson (again) that I shouldn't upgrade when things are basically running well - even though there are potential improvements to be had - I'd appreciate any thought on why this is happening and what I could do to get things back at least to how they were before. It would be great to be able to run CPAI - but it doesn't seem reliable yet. I'd be happy to just have Deepstack working the way it was before - not stellar but at least stable..



IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Do you have a system restore point or image from when it was working you could revert back to?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Hi all-
I had BI working pretty well with Deepstack, but based on my reading, I thought it might be good to try out Codeproject. I updated BI to the newest stable version, then installed CPAI. First the newest version, which I installed on the same machine as BI. It installed okay and was running but it kept going offline. I did some research and tried the solutions I found, but no improvement. I then uninstalled CP AI and installed an older version - 2.0.8 which I read was more stable. Same deal - worked but kept going offline.

After a few days and way too many hours, I gave up on CP and decided to go back to Deepstack. I uninstalled CP and deleted the folders under Program Files and Program Data. Rebooted. Installed Deepstack. Couldn't get Deepstack to start. I did a few reboots and a few more times re-running the Deepstack installer. Eventually I got to the page showing Deepstack was activated and was able to start it from BI.

However, now it keeps stopping with log messages showing AI not responding. It will restart and then come back to AI Not Responding.

I downgraded BI to the version I was running before all of this started, but still no improvement.

Apart from learning my lesson (again) that I shouldn't upgrade when things are basically running well - even though there are potential improvements to be had - I'd appreciate any thought on why this is happening and what I could do to get things back at least to how they were before. It would be great to be able to run CPAI - but it doesn't seem reliable yet. I'd be happy to just have Deepstack working the way it was before - not stellar but at least stable..

CPAI is reliable. As you indicated both deepstack and CPAI are not working for you. This indicates an error on your part but there is simply not enough information to determine the cause.


Getting comfortable
Apr 9, 2021
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I am successfully running BI with CPAI (using CPU) on a Dell OptiPlex 5050 i7 6700 with no issues. I did nothing special: did a clean install of Windows 10 pro using the media creation tool, then installed blue Iris and CPAI. I then pointed BI to my BI config file from my old machine, changed the AI settings in BI from the DS port to the CPAI port and changed the custom models names in the individual camera settings. It’s been stable and performing well for me for over a month now.

I was apprehensive enough about this that I purchased a second BI license so I could run my old machine in parallel with this machine while I sorted out any bugs, but there haven’t been any.
Jul 26, 2022
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Boston, MA USA
I resolved the issue with Deepstack. When I re-installed it, I tried using Mike Lud's custom models (got them from his Git Hub - versions for Deepstack). I'd forgotten I hadn't been using them with Deepstack. Switching back to the default object detection resolved the AI not responding issue. Not sure why those don't work, but it works well enough without them that I'm not inclined to spend more time debugging.
As for CP AI, I have no doubt it's working for some folks, but I shouldn't have to do a clean install - I have other things on this machine. It's an i7-8700 with 16GB of DDR4 RAM in dual channel mode. I think that should be enough to run things decently. If it requires wiping everything and reinstalling, I don't consider it worthwhile at this point.
Anyway, I've got 8 cameras running well again now. I don't intend to update for a while and not unless there's a specific reason. I'll give CP AI a try again down the road when I read that people are having more consistent experiences with it.