Deepstack occupied ignore static object


Young grasshopper
Dec 4, 2019
Hello all,

I am trying to configure deepstack inside BI and something weird its happening. I have selected the ignore static object, but it seems that even after having the option to detect person in DS, that is being bypassed somehow:

As you can see, it is ignoring the person even at 87% when I have it set up to 60%. Any ideas?
Another thing I see, is that DS is just analyzing the frames I have set up once some move is triggering it, however, it is not analyzing if the move retriggers, which can end me losing some final frames, if I have a long period of move in a camera. Any idea?

Kind regards
Sorry, I thought it was the chair with the red cross messing it up. But now everything is on the yellow clock and person not triggering the alert as possitive:


Any idea on why BI is reporting occupied?
Hello again,

I think I have figured it out. It is basically not detecting the person moving thats why it is ignoring it
Now, I am still not able to find how to refire the number of checks I want DS to do after movement is detected.

Kind regards
Hum, I am getting the same thing now after I rebooted my BI server..., but if I add deer to the cancel box, it works again.


Multiple cameras had this problem. But after I added cancel to one camera, other cameras started to work again. Very weird.

EDIT: I also stopped and restarted DeepStack a couple times from the BI UI, that didn't help.
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