DeepStack Temp files growing / not being deleted in the DeepStack Temp folder

This issue seems to come and go.. I hadn't seen it in a couple of months, but just checked and its back again. Almost a thousand files built up. I'm going to re-enable my scheduled task of purging the folder every 30 mins.

I'm currently running:

Blue Iris x64
Deepstack 2022.01.01
One of my blue iris pcs ssd is 100% full.. whats the best solution people have found to delete files. There was nothing in the app data deepstack folder. Must be files somewhere else.. I cant even install software to search out the growing files. Haha. Any suggestions
For those who have a Synology, you could run Deepstack (deepquestai/deepstack) in Docker instead of side by side with Blue iris on Windows. That seems to have solved my issue of temp files growing and the occasional Deepstack 100 / -1 Error. Haven't had any problems for the past 2 months so far

(I'm still using Blue Iris v5.4.9.18 if it's of any importance)
This has been a VERY annoying problem for me too.
The workaround for me was to delete files in that folder which were older than 10 days.

To do this I just created a scheduled task to run the powershell code below each day from mid-night.
Hopefully this helps someone.

Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Temp\DeepStack' -Recurse -Force |

    Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-10)} |

    Remove-Item -Force