Dieter & Fiona

I am (did there)? What?
It's definitely not mine!
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Мой друг из Шотландии!
Вообще, этимология слова урод - подразумевает близость к Роду т.е. это первенец, т.е. смысл выражения таково, что в союзе двоих обязательно появится третий, который ближе всех остальных последующих к своему роду..
Приятно видеть русский язык на страницах этого уважаемого форума, однако применять их нужно по месту и по смыслу.
А бояться действительно никого не нужно, но голову включённой держать необходимо постоянно!
Рад, как всегда, тебя как всегда слышать и читать твои посты на форуме!
Когда очередной референдум о своей независимости и выходе из Англии?
I have no real knowledge of your language, so relying on internet tools will certainly mean that much can be lost in the translation.
Especially when attempting to use Russian proverbs and sayings.

When the next referendum on its independence and leaving England?
That's a hot topic at the moment - the subject of a media indirect war of words but (as far as we know) no direct communication yet between the respective heads of Government.
The promised close involvement in moulding the post-Brexit future seems to have evaporated.
My fiend!
Russian is very difficult to understand both foreigners and local people speaking on it because they miss the meaning of words, and he is usually hidden from understanding and using some or other of the vocabulary the talkers sometimes do not know what they are talking about.
Well, all right, about this!

Thank you for the information from first-hand.
The main thing is that you had it well in my favorite Scotland.
-------- dieter 2.10.16 1473645726 fiona ----------
@montecrypto I have an older version :
"-------- dieter 2.10.15 1453919900 fiona ---------- "
I bought a 'spares or repairs' DS-2CD2342WD-I off eBay.
But in the box was a DS-2CD2335-I that someone had presumably swapped in as an Amazon return.
It has (had) 'hacked to EN/ML' firmware.
I reached in and extracted the contents to take a look at - did a tweak to get psh out of the way - and after an hour the camera made a complaint and rebooted into it's original China region clothing.
Presumably due to 'ppp' and this :



tail -c +$SIZE $SELF > $TAR_FILE
rm -f $TAR_FILE
[ ! -f /devinfo/nopatch ] && $PPP  > /home/process/ppp.log 2>&1
[ -f $PPP ] && rm -f $PPP
cd /home
(sleep 2; mv /home/process/davinci.exe /home/davinci; rm -f $SELF;[ $RET -eq 169 ] && echo ERROR DEVICE_ID NOT MATCH && rm -f /home/davinci && sleep 3600; [ -f /home/davinci ] && /home/davinci & )
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