The phrase "freedom of the press" is soon to be 'cancelled' completely and will have no more relevance, no meaning, no application....and that's not just's a tragedy that is difficult to describe or foresee in it's far-reaching implications. We've already witnessed what has happened with "freedom of speech."
I recall in the early 60's during the height of the Cold War and my 6th grade studying the USSR, Khruschev and Pravda, the government's paper. It was my first exposure to the term 'dogma'.
If you had asked me then that my country, the U.S. of A., would ever get to the point that we are now...when just opening your mouth and saying a particular word or expressing a specific belief that had any religious or political connotation could get you fired and/or arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned....I would have said "You're crazy. Not here...somewhere else, maybe....but not here in the U.S., the 'Land of the Free.'...never."
It's been said many time before now...."Never say never."