Doorbell cam: are there any that are not WiFi?


Pulling my weight
Oct 5, 2018

Title says most of it. Are there any doorbell cams that can connect through Ethernet rather than WiFi for both power and the video stream? Also should be non-cloud and ONVIF compliant .

I've Googled and done a search on this forum but it seems like everything is WiFi only or Bluetooth. I've already overstretched my budget running pre-wired conduit all over the new home we're building but I was thinking of having them install CAT6 to the doorbell, but if nothing exists that will take advantage of that it would be just a waste of money.

I'm not too keen on having them run another conduit to the faced of the building to install a camera there as the angle does not seem very good for ID'ing and it's going to be fairly costy to have them run another conduit. I'd very much prefer to have the front door camera at around eye level but only if it's a doorbell cam.
Ring Video Doorbell Elite, but it looks very expensive for what it is.
Thanks for the pointers. Doorbell Elite is very expsnive I must say and cloud is a no-no for me (even more than WiFi). Grandstream is also expensive, offers more features though, but seems more suitable for an appartment building, not for a single home. Any other suggestions?
Thanks for the pointers. Doorbell Elite is very expsnive I must say and cloud is a no-no for me (even more than WiFi). Grandstream is also expensive, offers more features though, but seems more suitable for an appartment building, not for a single home. Any other suggestions?
If you think a 275 doorbell is expensive, then forget the idea...
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I would run the CAT6 to the door while you have the easy opportunity to do so even if you haven't chosen a doorbell-cam for that location yet. Eventually, someone will make what you want, or you'll decide to get one of the expensive ones, or you can just mount a camera there, etc. It is always better to run the cables while the house is being built. You can never have enough!

Like you, I eventually want a doorbell/cam, and I want it to be POE. I'm just biding my time to find what I want.

Some of the manufacturers are trying to make inexpensive units, but wireless is what they see as being the big market. So their offerings are always compromised from our perspective.

The Grandstream unit looks like the best one I've seen so far for people who want to avoid wireless.

Regardless, I would run the wire now, while it is easy to get a clean job.
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You lot are costing me money :)

I've decided to attempt to get CAT6 to the doorbell/front door. Not sure it's still possible and what the available options are but if I don't get it done now it wil be virtually impossible later on. I'm also trying to get another CAT6 to the front facade top-left of the door (6ft to the left of the door and 8ft10inch high from the ground, just above the kitchen window).

Not sure this will go through as the deadline passed last Friday, however the contract wasn't able to finish the drawing on Friday and said they would do it on Monday so hopefully they can still incorporate these additions. I had initially planned for a front facade CAT6 but scrapped it for budget reasons but... if I don't get it done now it will never get done.

As for doorbell options, is a Dahua VTO2000a-c any good:

Dahua VTO2000A-C Hoofdmodule t.b.v. modulaire intercom
If you think a 275 doorbell is expensive, then forget the idea...

I'm not saying it's overpriced, at least not much. It seems to offer quite a few features but I don't think I really need those features. All I want is a doorbell+cam. But maybe I should look into some sort of separate mini cam to mount somewhere next to (or above or below) the doorbell proper.

It's too bad I don't have more time to look into all this before the deadline for any additional or special work expires (which was last Friday but I'm hoping they will incorporate my last-minute changes as described in my previous post above).
You lot are costing me money :)

Yessir ;-)

I have been looking at dozens of websites (also in .NL and .BE), these DAHUA's are expensive. If you make your Bill of Material, always check with @EMPIRETECANDY - he provided me with the VTO & VTH reviewed in the link I mentionned above, for a fraction of that price.

This being said, you COULD also opt for a classic 2-wire system (Dahua VTO2000A-2-(S) Tweedraads buitenpost RVS incl. opbouw behuizing, met 1,3mp camera ) -> that set does include the inox frame, but my guess is that your electrician will ask the same price for a 2-wire conduit as a Cat6.
I was definitely planning on getting quotes from @EMPIRETECANDY. Regarding the VTO2000A-2-(S), it says on that page it's an IP camera but I'm not sure how that's supposed to work with just 2 wires. Seems to me like it will only connect to a matching indoor box. Perhaps the indoor box can provide an IP connection?

I'm not sure it will even be possible to have CAT6 installed instead of 2-wire and even then how much good that will do me. To be really useful the CAT6 would have to terminate at the (indoor) meter cupboard whereas the standard doorbell installation probably has 230V mains going to the step-down transformer/bell somewhere in the hallway and from there a low-voltage 2-wire connection to the doorbell knob. I hope to be able to speak to them tomorrow morning before they make the final drawing which I will have to sign off on tomorrow.
I hope it goes well and you make it in time.

I'd want to have both the normal doorbell wiring and the cat6 run, for maximum future flexibility.
I was definitely planning on getting quotes from @EMPIRETECANDY. Regarding the VTO2000A-2-(S), it says on that page it's an IP camera but I'm not sure how that's supposed to work with just 2 wires. Seems to me like it will only connect to a matching indoor box. Perhaps the indoor box can provide an IP connection?

You can make these 2-wire systems connect to the internet, hence they still call these "analogue" systems IP camera.

I'm not sure it will even be possible to have CAT6 installed instead of 2-wire and even then how much good that will do me. To be really useful the CAT6 would have to terminate at the (indoor) meter cupboard whereas the standard doorbell installation probably has 230V mains going to the step-down transformer/bell somewhere in the hallway and from there a low-voltage 2-wire connection to the doorbell knob. I hope to be able to speak to them tomorrow morning before they make the final drawing which I will have to sign off on tomorrow.

Do investigate this a bit further, there is absolutely no reason in 2018 to have a seperate transformer in the hallway, which eliminates any further upgrade paths down the line. Won't you have any domotica wiring/cabling in your house (eg a star scheme)? My electrician has put tons of UTP cabling, as these cables are good enough for everything (eg. alarm cabling, signal cables for automatic curtains etc).
Hurray, I was able to have all of my last minute changes and additions incorporated. The total amount charged is making me feel a bit uncomfortable so I'll just have to try to forget about that asap.

They did agree to use Cat6 for the doorbell (at no cost even) and it does go straight to the metering cupboard so I can definitely install an IP doorbell or whatever I want later on. They also changed the doorbell height to 1.60m (instead of the standard 1.20) which should make for a much better viewing angle. I guess they put them that low to allow kids and people in wheelchairs to be able to reach them but I say to hell with that, when they grow up enough to go out on their own my kids will just have to practice jumping and pushing the button :). Or maybe I'll install a smart lock before that happens and issue them tags which they can lose.

I also added another CAT6 connection above and to the left of the door to put a regular cam up.

Do investigate this a bit further, there is absolutely no reason in 2018 to have a seperate transformer in the hallway, which eliminates any further upgrade paths down the line.

You were totally right, the wiring goes straight from the doorbell to the metering cupboard. Awesome.

Won't you have any domotica wiring/cabling in your house (eg a star scheme)? My electrician has put tons of UTP cabling, as these cables are good enough for everything (eg. alarm cabling, signal cables for automatic curtains etc).

I have already overstretched my original estimate and budget for conduit and wiring by a wide margin but at least I have pre-wired CAT6 to at least every floor in the house now and two of them on the upper floor where most the bedrooms are (4 of them). If need more connectivity I'll have to do that myself but with the inner walls all being gypsum blocks that's not too difficult.

Does anyone know why PoE Arduino boards are no longer available? I was thinking of using some of these to connect wired sensors through the network to the security system downstairs. One Arduino for each sensor (or room perhaps) and then one (or perhaps a Pi) downstairs to collect the signals and convert them back to 'analog' if that is what the security system requires. I could create my own little PCB for that but I'd rather buy them pre-made.

Or are there any motion detectors/glass break sensors/magnetic contacts etc. that will connect directly to an Ethernet network (and don't break the bank)?
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Thanks. Unfortunately that appears to be a dead end too. Page above says "This module could be used with products Arduino Ethernet shield and Arduino Ethernet". If you look up those two products it turns out they are both retired. Go figure.

It's not Arduino but I found something that seems to fit the bill:

ESP32-POE - Open Source Hardware Board


I did also find an Arduino compatible board but it's relatively pricey at $44.90:

The ESP32 one above that is only EUR 17,95 but I don't know if they are as commonly used as Arduino stuff and what the IDE and community eco system is like. Also, I'd like to use something that I'll be able to order more from in future.
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Conventional alarm sensors can be connected with cat 6. It's a waste of a data cable, but it works.

Doorbird offers a POE doorbell which is not cloud based and looks nice, but very expensive (350usd)