Title says most of it. Are there any doorbell cams that can connect through Ethernet rather than WiFi for both power and the video stream? Also should be non-cloud and ONVIF compliant .
I've Googled and done a search on this forum but it seems like everything is WiFi only or Bluetooth. I've already overstretched my budget running pre-wired conduit all over the new home we're building but I was thinking of having them install CAT6 to the doorbell, but if nothing exists that will take advantage of that it would be just a waste of money.
I'm not too keen on having them run another conduit to the faced of the building to install a camera there as the angle does not seem very good for ID'ing and it's going to be fairly costy to have them run another conduit. I'd very much prefer to have the front door camera at around eye level but only if it's a doorbell cam.
Title says most of it. Are there any doorbell cams that can connect through Ethernet rather than WiFi for both power and the video stream? Also should be non-cloud and ONVIF compliant .
I've Googled and done a search on this forum but it seems like everything is WiFi only or Bluetooth. I've already overstretched my budget running pre-wired conduit all over the new home we're building but I was thinking of having them install CAT6 to the doorbell, but if nothing exists that will take advantage of that it would be just a waste of money.
I'm not too keen on having them run another conduit to the faced of the building to install a camera there as the angle does not seem very good for ID'ing and it's going to be fairly costy to have them run another conduit. I'd very much prefer to have the front door camera at around eye level but only if it's a doorbell cam.