DS-2CD2232-I5 vs DS-2CD2T32 ... what is the difference ?


Getting the hang of it
May 22, 2015

What is the difference between these cams ?

Based on the specs, I can't seem to find many differences :-/

Thanks in advance !

What is the difference between these cams ?

Based on the specs, I can't seem to find many differences :-/

Thanks in advance !
The 2T is available with stronger IR - the i8 model....the 2t also has an sd card slot...
Thanks, odd I overlooked that one ...:-/

Hard to decide which one to choose, one of those two or the DS-2CD2632F-I.
DS-2CD2T32 seems quite big.

Choices, choices, ... :-)

I'm really doubting between the DS-2CD2232-I5 and the DS-2CD2632F-I.
Although according to reviews the DS-2CD2232-I5 should create 'better' pictures (especially with IR on), it is much cheaper than the DS-2CD2632F-I.
Is this because of the missing vari-focal lens ?
The spec sheet they have up now does not state a card slot..I could have sworn I saw a reference to a card slot in the specs when the cams were relased...
See post 22 here by dalepa, where he says the specs state a card slot..
Since the new sheet doesnt mention it I would not count on the camera having one.
EDIT: I found the old spec sheet that lists the card
http://www.bkeesti.ee/upload/Hikvision/DS-2CD2Txx-I3-I5-I8 2MP 3MP.pdf
Lol, I thought I made an error by note seeing it :-p
So the only diff is the IR is stronger, and the caseing is bigger and it weights more.

How about my question a few posts up ?
I'm really doubting between the DS-2CD2232-I5 and the DS-2CD2632F-I.
Although according to reviews the DS-2CD2232-I5 should create 'better' pictures (especially with IR on), it is much cheaper than the DS-2CD2632F-I.
Is this because of the missing vari-focal lens ?