I would definitely encourage you to add the second NIC and move the wire between the unmanaged switch directly to the BI machine 2nd NIC port. Other ways to do it (like VLANs), but that one is stupid simple and separate your most vulnerable devices (ip cameras) from your regular network PCs and prevent them from making any connections beyond the one you want -> a video stream to the BI machine (just my opinion). VLANs work also, lots of smart people here have those working, but dual-NIC is just about idiot-proof -- both schools of thought have a number of people supporting it on these forums. I haven't setup using VLANs, so I can't speak to whether I find it easier or harder (and even that might depend on the equipment I have on hand wouldn't it?) My limited research did indicate "VLAN hopping" was a potential security risk you might want to ensure your equipment/config wasn't vulnerable to.
Does your router have built-in firewall? I'm a little worried if you are putting BI machine (a windows computer) directly connected to your provider internet connection with their crappy hardware as your only protection, best keep that Windows machine up-to-date, or at least install a software firewall. I believe OpenVPN needs just port 1194 UDP/TCP to be forwarded to BI machine, nothing else (someone will check me on this).