Eclipse April 8th. 2024


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
Get ready Texas for a flood of visitors for the full eclipse in April. For viewing safely, welders glass
of 13 or 14 can be purchased and cell phone sun blockers are available too. As an added
bonus, the is a strong possibility to view a comet at the same time! All of this as we start to hit
solar maximum. So, the corona might be really spectacular! One might need 2 cams. one
for the Sun and one for the comet.

Stock-up on food and the fuels one will need for (?) period of time. Freeways will be crowded, fuel
and food could be short for a time too.
Good luck and NO CLOUDS!

I was in Spartanburg SC when the last total lunar eclipse occurred, back several years ago. I expected nobody to notice, but I was surprised. I was working in a shop next to I-85 business, normally extremely busy. As the eclipse progressed, something caught my attention - the total lack of noise from the freeway behind me. Turned around to look - NO CARS moving, many pulled over on the shoulder watching the eclipse - but most conspicuous was total lack of traffic. Maybe they were watching elsewhere, maybe they thought the sky was falling and ran for the hills... but for 10 min, the freeway was nearly empty.
On the other hand, working in Asheville NC back in 1989, was heading home from work when I noticed something odd.. very odd. The sky turned bright orange, then pink, then red, alternating hues. It wasn't even dark yet, around 1700 local. At first, I thought something wrong with my vision... I pulled off the road into a parking lot, sat watching the most incredible light show in the sky I'd seen in this part of the country. I'd seen it up north, so I recognized it as an aurora. To have them that far south is extremely rare, but it was for good reason. A huge solar storm sent a massive CME slamming into earth. It disabled satellites, disrupted communications, and even played havoc with TV & radio station broadcasts for 12 hrs. Despite the incredible aurora visible even in late daytime, almost nobody noticed. I sat watching in amazement in the parking lot as people drove by as if everything was normal. Only one person stopped, asked what the heck is going on (is it the end?)... but nobody else noticed. That was some solar storm... and coming into sol cycle 25 (well ahead of forecast levels), there may be a repeat. Only this time, the infrastructure is orders of magnitude more complex - and susceptible to geomagnetic storms. Time will tell... Another great Carrington event or big fizzle, nobody knows
If one were in a good viewing area, would it be possible to record this event on camera without welding glass taped to the lens? I've got several unmounted cameras that i could mount and sacrifice if it was going to destroy the camera. This map shows that I will be in viewing area. National Eclipse | Eclipse Maps | April 8, 2024 - Total Solar Eclipse Does anyone pm know where to aim the camera to get the picture. It shows San Antoino at 1:33 pm. I guess I could point a camera at the sun today at 1:33 pm and get close. We are now one month away.
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I set up a camera and piped it to YouTube. I've got a #10 welding lens taped over it. The link is Eclipse Live Stream
I don't know how to hide the personal info and being on a micro screen now I don't have all the controls of a desktop. Any input would be appreciated.
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Nice interactive Google Map here.

Put in your entire address or zip code in the search box up top to the left of the "Donate" icon to find out optimum time to view the eclipse on April 8th from your location. Note that it's UT so convert that to your time zone. I subtract 5 hours for my CDT.

This is produced for my search:

Camera location shows 18:31 to 18:34. I think you have to subtract 6 hours from UT for central time. The extra hour is for daylight savings time. Which makes it 13:30ish. Or maybe I'm expecting it an hour earlier than it will get there?
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Not commenting on this, just sharing, I found it interesting:

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Guest we will have to do what we do when we hear a weather report, step outside and see if it is true, lol

We are in the 98% area. We plan to drive about an hour to get into 100% Eclipse area April 8th but weather permitting, they are forecasting clouds/rain...
The website that article references is offline for exceeding bandwidth. By zooming in, the east limit is showing it on the east side of I-35 in Devine Texas. The one referenced by @TonyR above shows it slightly west of that intersection. So based on that, the full eclipse are has expanded. The center line where it crosses I-10 has moved about 1/4 the length of an on ramp.

My camera is 12 miles west of I-35 in Devine. Of course regardless of where you are, cloud cover could negate everything.
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Even searching with my stream title does not come up with the link. I even have problems finding the link from my youtube home page. Since I am sharing this with friends, it would be nice to point to something that does not change. Any whizzes out there?
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I guess that each time the stream stops and restarts a new address is issued. The new share link is South Texas Eclipse Live Stream
You may already know this but you can apply for a stream URL that won't change. YT makes you jump through some hoops but it's apparently doable.
I was 90% there with this bluebird camera live stream a few week ago but life issues got in the way (stepson fell off the wagon and moved in....'nuff said) so I didn't complete the process.

She sitting on 4 eggs now (the bluebird, not my wife) so maybe I'll get it ironed out one day. :cool:
Even searching with my stream title does not come up with the link. I even have problems finding the link from my youtube home page. Since I am sharing this with friends, it would be nice to point to something that does not change. Any whizzes out there?

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