Realize that the folks that Andy has asked to pull the winning numbers are volunteers. We usually assume the numbers are pulled in the evening, but sometimes they get pulled 'early' and he may not have expected them so early.
Realize that the folks that Andy has asked to pull the winning numbers are volunteers. We usually assume the numbers are pulled in the evening, but sometimes they get pulled 'early' and he may not have expected them so early.
Realize that the folks that Andy has asked to pull the winning numbers are volunteers. We usually assume the numbers are pulled in the evening, but sometimes they get pulled 'early' and he may not have expected them so early.
I understand. I'm an admin on a board for a separate subject. We get complaints that boil down to "we're volunteers here, we miss stuff sometimes. feel free to point it out when you see it."
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I won a 6th prize # 394. And Congrats to all the winners and thank you for the volunteers helping out with the heavy wheels.
It's always fun win or lose, I'm sure most guys can't wait for the next lottery event to try their luck again. A special Big Thank you to Andy
for the quality cameras with good price plus a chance of winning lottery cameras every year.