FEMA is Worthless and the US Government is a Fucking Joke

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Besides what is stated in that Twat.

The video shows absolutely nothing or provides evidence that FEMA told anyone (NOT to land) or do X vs Y.

All I saw on this video was a couple of guys flying around show casing the complete devastation and destruction of the State.

Everyone who knows me I’m more than willing to throw someone under the bus when justified.

Thus far I haven’t seen any hard facts showing the same.

What is factual is there are six States impacted by two of the worst hurricanes in modern history.

The facts are it will take multiple years to replace / rebuild the infrastructure of many towns, perish, counties, and communities in the various States.

The facts are there are tens of millions of Americans that have lost something from possessions, homes, property, and lives.

The facts are the next tornado & hurricane season will be coming next year and none of these States will be even remotely restored to pre hurricane conditions.

The facts are all 50 States and Canada have been pouring in with all kinds of assistance, resources, and man power.

Working together to help everyone as that’s what we do when disaster hits.

Lastly, it’s a fact no one will be made whole . . . :(

That sounds like a press release.

Yes me and everyone else is aware of the effort it will take from many different parties. Yes it’s devastating. Yes Millions of lives were upended or destroyed by Mother Nature.

That doesn’t explain or excuse the lack of Fed govt effort in the first crucial 5-7 days, or the propaganda as they try to cover their ass ever since.

On day #2 the Dept of State and Kumswalla made a big deal out of announcing $157 million in humanitarian assistance for Lebanon, who Israel was at war with at the time (Hezbollah) , using US bombs and $.

That’s called rubbing our noses in it.

You go on defending them.
That sounds like a press release.

Yes me and everyone else is aware of the effort it will take from many different parties. Yes it’s devastating. Yes Millions of lives were upended or destroyed by Mother Nature.

That doesn’t explain or excuse the lack of Fed govt effort in the first crucial 5-7 days, or the propaganda as they try to cover their ass ever since.

On day #2 the Dept of State and Kumswalla made a big deal out of announcing $157 million in humanitarian assistance for Lebanon, who Israel was at war with at the time (Hezbollah) , using US bombs and $.

That’s called rubbing our noses in it.

You go on defending them.

You’ve read enough of my replies to know I’m not defending anyone or entity that has wronged or hindered the rescue / recovery of the various States.

My replies are focused on stressing this disaster is firstly wide and far. That everyone in these States need help and everyone needs to band together whenever possible.

If the Government is offering some kind of assistance no matter too little - too late.

The citizens can ignore anything that relates to assistance or help if they choose.

It’s a free country and people have a choice.

But, nobody can honestly say they alone, never mind grass roots volunteers, will be able to recover six States all by themselves without all levels of Government.

As it relates to the Jews and the Middle East. Turn the entire place into glass and drop the bomb!

If people can’t get along after a thousand years of endless killing. Just wipe them off the planet and be done with them all.

We should have done the same to Germany & Japan during WWII.

But we didn’t, and decades later, these two nations are allies and contributors of democracy.

Given the Jews and the Middle East haven’t resolved anything in a thousand years.

Kill them all and let god sort out the rest!
More reports of FEMA doing photo ops.

They’re fake just like their handlers

There’s a lot to unpack from this ladies video as she covers dozens of topics and problems.

Crime / Looting: This isn’t a surprise to me or should be to anyone. As this type of behaviour is rampant all over the world.

All you can do is protect yourself and family. If you need to dispense jail house justice because of an immediate threat - Do so.

Support: As she noted support isn’t being handled or triaged from her point of view. The reality is 9 X 10 it’s the squeaky wheel / rich areas that see immediate support and resources.

If one sets that aside none of these people can say every single inch of this State hasn’t been impacted in some way by the hurricane.

As such it’s going to take years to recover the most basic infrastructure never mind on a personal level - if at all!

FEMA: I have yet to see a single video where they provide proof a community support centre has been ordered (officially) to shutdown.

I haven’t seen a single mayor, governor, name anyone in power affirming FEMA just dropped by out of the blue and issued a cease and desist order.

Given all the hate / negative attention this department seems to be receiving. Does anyone truly believe they would go out of their way to offer juicy news clips of such formal action?!?

The only thing that I have seen is the (A Typical) scammers using these so called support sites is to profit off the good will of others and the community!

But that is par for the course see (Crime / Looting) comments.

Lastly, in her video she spends the last few moments discussing how their very own neighbours are walking around scoping peoples homes / looting??

This is related to FEMA how ??? These cunts get a pass for being a criminal and bad neighbor?!?

Why wouldn’t you or anyone put three rounds in their face??

The only real take away from this video was that she is 100% correct about what about the next disaster???

Based on how everyone is acting and responding. They are all going to die and suffer slowly while doing so. :(

There are literally thousands of people from all across the nation providing everything they can to help the six States.

Yet people are just fixated on the Government.

The most comical twat video I’ve seen is the black hawk helicopter one. It’s literally the National Guard from THEIR OWN STATE!

Not the Deep State - Not FEMA - Not someone trying to fuck with the citizens.

But literally a pilot too Fucken stupid to realize the down wash from the rotor was going to blow everything away!

That entire team was grounded per the news.


Because the pilot had zero situational awareness . . .

There are so many successes and great stories of people doing what?

Help Thy Neighbor . . .

But people are just shitting on all of it even if it’s a government driven assistance.
You send your money and donations to FEMA, I’ll send mine to organizations on the ground who I can verify are making a difference.
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Hmm why isnt FEMA doing this?
What exactly DO they do?

Why isn’t FEMA doing this?

Still not seeing any FEMA efforts, you’d think they would want some good press…. But I do see literally hundreds of citizen efforts..

Still not seeing any FEMA efforts, you’d think they would want some good press…. But I do see literally hundreds of citizen efforts..

Now I wonder how long it will take some idiots to protest the aide coming in from a Christian group such as Samaritan's Purse, formed by Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son.

If so, it'll be from a group that will sit on their hands with their thumbs up their butts, offering nothing but criticism and complaints....no real physical help that is needed.
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