FEMA is Worthless and the US Government is a Fucking Joke

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There are indeed Guard, FEMA, etc on the ground, now.

They were anywhere from 5-7 days late

Florida Air Guard was first in among Guard units, on day#3

The Feds and the Democrat Governor of NC dropped the ball big time. They’re at minimum incompetent.

The death count which is being blacked out by Feds and FEMA is well over 1000 and likely over 2000
This is political.

It’s safe to say nobody ever claimed the government is fast and efficient. Versus being slow, bloated, and ineffective.

As it relates to the democratic governor of NC. At least people can’t say the Feds are just sticking it to the red States!

It spans the entire spectrum of alright, OK, to complete incompetence relating to support & recovery. :facepalm:

All I can say to you or any forum member impacted by this disaster is to use all the resources available to you.

If people don’t want anything from the three levels of government - so be it.

If they believe grass root support is doing more and is more capable - Use them and support them if and when you can. :thumb:

At the end of the day none of this will be solved tomorrow. Never mind next year or when the next hurricane season descends upon the nation again.

Stay Safe - Rock On . . . :headbang: