Finally, cams are installed


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
United Kingdom
Purchased 5231 cams from Andy back in March and yesterday after waiting months the cams were finally installed and now working. I do need to do some minor adjusting to get rid of too much wall etc...

I’ve since decided that I will need another 2 cams but just glad I managed to find somebody who took both their time and pride in their work. May not be to everyone’s satisfaction but my wife was the main blocker everywhere with you can’t do this or that so the installer had to hide as much of the cabling as possible with minimal conduit.

I think this weekend I’m going to go back and watch the BI videos that a kind user here has produced, watched then back in March but have since forgotten most things now.

I’ve read the Wikis a few time but are there any quick pointers re stuff I should consider or must do.

I’ve set hardware acceleration and direct to disk and removed the overlay. Cams have been set to 15fps with the same for I-frame.
Purchased 5231 cams from Andy back in March and yesterday after waiting months the cams were finally installed and now working. I do need to do some minor adjusting to get rid of too much wall etc...
Very nice!
And I agree about the "too much wall" on the lower right and upper right cams....particularly when/where the IR will bounce back at night. All installs need fine tuning initially.
So you have recent and extensive experience with WAF (Wife Approval Factor) ? It has so much air time in this forum I wouldn't be surprised if @Mike or another Admin added a special section for it! :headbang:
Yes those 2 and upper left as well has way too much wall.
Yeah, I missed that upper left because of the nice color blend to these old eyes...but the cam's IR will find it!
Fortunately the OP stated he intends to adjust several.
Just need the new 4Mp starlights to stabilise in terms of firmware and I’ll be hassling Andy for 2 of these, the idea being that I’ll replace the 2 front cams with these and redeploy them to areas where the cables have already been run ready for fitting.

Another thing I’ve found is that I’ve not needed to zoom any of the cams in so maybe a waste of money as I could have saved some by going for a fixed starlight instead.
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Night time picture, any comments will be appreciated. Have the cams on the day/night profile with most other settings set to defaults.

Good job setting it up, now remember to test as looney2ns notes by having someone play the part of a prowler wearing a hoodie and cap and see if you can get good video capture of someone walking through the zones doing what you may expect a prowler / thief to do.
Yes I’m running BI 5 with an HP desktop, i5-6500 with 12gb ram, 250gb SSD and 2 2tb drives. I also have a dual intel 350 network adapter installed.
Looking good nice job. couple of comments . your lawn would look much better with a nice feature in the middle like a water fountain. the patio would benefit with some nice potted plants .. oh sorry you meant comments about the cams lol..
just wondering why your streaming as changed from 1020p to 720p. and it might look a bit different on your screen the bottom middle looks dark around both sides of your garden. overall very nice.. i bet your like a women with a new vibrator you wont stop playing with it,,
Night time picture, any comments will be appreciated. Have the cams on the day/night profile with most other settings set to defaults.


The right two night pictures prove my point perfectly, the IR is reflecting and affecting the cams exposure to the detriment. Rarely do you get the best performance by leaving the cams at default settings.
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The right two night pictures prove my point perfectly, the IR is reflecting and affecting the cams exposure to the detriment. Rarely do you get the best performance by leaving the cams at default settings.

Thanks, yep I’ll get the cams moved. A case of try and see over the next few days/night.

EDIT Moved the 2 you suggested so will hopefully see the improvements tonight.

I found a thread where you posted screenshot of your settings, am going to give them a go on one cam to see the effect. Having previous recordings helps immensely to see the positives/negatives.
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