Find the cat :)

I am SOOO mad right now. Middle of the afternoon a big cat came in and no doubt killed one of the kittens way under the deck. All I have to go by is sounds, but it's pretty obvious. The mother came in about 10 minutes later and chased the cat off. We can't see the kitten because it's way under there, but it hasn't been out. The bad thing is that cat is still around. Of the possible predators around here, the last thing I would have expected was for it to be a cat...
He may have to be “convinced” it’s not a place for him.
Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted since June 22nd, but we keep ourselves pretty darn busy in the summer... Ok, updates :p The cats were extremely subdued the night the kitten was attacked, the whole next day and until right before noon on the following day. That was when the kitten emerged from under the deck, obviously not at 100% but still "ok". The change in all of them was like switching on a light bulb. Just like that it was fun and games again with the caveat that the mother was being super vigilant. It took a full week for things to get back to what I perceive to be normal. That cat showed it's head a couple of days ago, but the mom was locked and loaded. Size doesn't matter, she chased it off quick (and loud).

Speaking of size not mattering, here's a clip from last night. Yep, size doesn't matter.

My wife loves her lights, we have a few "features" like that. :)

Oh, to those who were so sure that MS. Kitty would be living in our house. Welp, tonight she'll be spending her first night in the house in a crate. Tomorrow morning at 8:30am she'll be at the vets getting fixed. From there, she'll be in the house in a crate for two days and then in a "pen" for another five. I don't know if I feel worse for her and the pain she's going to go through or her kittens who just sit there and watch every evening when she takes off for her dusk hunt and literally jump for joy when she comes back with or without a snack for them. But... it has to happen...
Oh, to those who were so sure that MS. Kitty would be living in our house. Welp, tonight she'll be spending her first night in the house in a crate.


Not counting it until she's sleeping on the furniture.
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My cat used to catch them at my pond and bring them in the house for me through the cat door. I'd walk out of my room and see a big-ass bullfrog sitting in the hallway. Never killed or tried to eat them. Just liked to catch them.