Just after I snapped this one, she went bolting back under the deck and just as she got there a squirrel was sounding an alarm that had nothing to do with her. I'm thinking it was a predator from above, but that's only a guess.
A much bigger male came to encroach on her territory tonight. Bad move... (I set the endpoint where I did because I just entered the picture. They both ran.)
JIK anyone has ever had an inkling to know what an outdoor cat's routine while in a "den" was at night. At different times, two cars and four deer went by out front during the night. This was her routine each time she heard something. Oh, last nights low was 16°F. The temperature in the den hovered between 51°F and 62°F.
Last night the black cat encroached on her territory again. A little dark and a little far away, but... watch her dive from the deck area (upper left) and then after stopping on top of the pump house, continue to kick him out. She is only about 2/3 the size of the black cat and she's pregnant. Tell that to her, she doesn't care...