Firearms: Alec Baldwin - Colin Noir's take on it


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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"This tragedy was incredibly avoidable, but the reason why this happened is precisely because Alec Baldwin is anti-gun .. "
" .. Alec Baldwin proceeded to break the first rule of gun safety by pointing it at someone pulling the trigger .. "
" .. Alec Baldwin refused to learn the basic rules of gun safety ..."
" .. it is not a prop gun, just because it's on a movie set doesn't make a real gun any less real .. "

" .. you only need one gun safety rule and the likelihood of something like this happening would be close to zero. Treat all guns as if they're loaded .. that's it .. "

" .. simple don't cheap out on the company you use as your onsite armor, that's why as the executive producer of this movie Alec Baldwin hiring an unexperienced 24 year old girl to be in charge of the gun safety in a full blown movie is reckless .. "

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IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Excerpt from Sheriff Mendoza's statement article:

"He also said investigators were looking into statements and rumors that crew members were allegedly taking target practice on the set and that there had been reports of drinking on the set."

The outcome cam be determined using simple math (which the woke, left-leaning schools have replaced with CRT and alternate lifestyles):

firearms + live ammo + anti-gun Hollywood elites + alcohol = more business for the coroner
NOTE: "alcohol" is optional in this equation, as the outcome can be the same when gun safety is not learned or practiced.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Now if I could only get my wife to unplug the Ninja blender when she dips her hand down in there or adds ingredients. She'll do the same thing with the hand mixer when installs/removes the's plugged in. I catch her at it much too often, no telling how many times she does it when I don't see it.

I just hope nothing bad happens...I've done all I can, short of removing all the hand appliances or turning off power to the house! :facepalm::confused:


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
I remember going to a gun shop, which I try to avoid because of all the stupid that happens there, but I asked the attendant to look at a gun. He took it out of the case, checked and cleared it, placed it on the top of the counter on a pad for me to pick up. He actually didn't muzzle me while doing so. I had talked to him a little prior and "seemed" to know what he was doing. He was probably in his late 50's or so.

I pickup the gun, point it at the floor, and proceed to make sure it was unloaded. I then look over the gun, get a feel for the trigger while pointing it at an upwards angle high on the back wall of the store.
When I finish, I locked the slide back and placed the gun back on the counter. The salesman has this very puzzled look on his face, and finally asked "why did you do all of that, I had already checked the gun". I told him it was to show him that I had not put any ammo in the gun and that he could see it was unloaded. Besides, I trust no one that a gun is unloaded.
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Getting comfortable
Dec 21, 2020
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baldwin is a stupid shitface washout who's career was over long ago.
It WAS his fault.
His finger WAS on the trigger.
HIs finger DID pull the trigger.
He DID kill that lady. matter what the stupid fuck says.
End of FACTS.

The Automation Guy

Known around here
Feb 7, 2019
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Alec just keeps coming out with more dumb things to say.

The first one was the idea that movie sets should have police officers on set to manage the guns. Let me explain why this is dumb. First, most police officers are not gun experts. Many only shoot their firearm enough to qualify once a year with it. Others may shoot more often, but likely only with their issued firearms. Even if an officer is a "gun person" that likes to shoot often, they are still not going to be an expert in all firearms. Movies use an extremely broad range of guns and people need special training to fill this role. That leads to the second point - THERE IS ALREADY A FIREARMS EXPERT ON SET! Not some "rent-a-cop", but an actual firearms expert. At least that is what is suppose to happen. Clearly the armorer on this set was inexperienced and over her head. That is also on Alec however because as the Producer of the film, he was the one responsible for her hiring.

Second, the whole idea that he "didn't pull the trigger" is beyond stupid to anyone that has ever fired a gun before or been exposed to any sort of firearm safety course. He clearly did not check the gun when it was handed to him. He clearly pointed it at someone, and he clearly pulled the trigger. The model of gun (an old "western" style of gun) that was used is impossible to fire without pulling the trigger unless the gun is broken or has been modified. So while he may not have consciously thought about pulling the trigger, his finger did pull the trigger enough to cause it to fire. The whole reason we have firearm safety rules is because it is very easy to inadvertently pull the trigger on a gun. Unfortunately, he broke every firearm safety rule that there is which lead to this tragic outcome. Following even just one of two of the rules would have prevented this tragedy from occurring.

Alec is responsible not only because he was the actor that fire the gun that killed and injured people, he is also responsible as the film's producer for the hiring of the armorer and other people who's job it was to ensure that firearm safety was carried out.

Alec Baldwin failed at every level of responsibility in this horrific accident. He showed gross negligence in hiring of staff and his personal handling of the firearms. The fact that he claims no responsibility of any of it is laughable and I hope he is held criminally and civilly responsible for his actions. At the very least, he should never work in the entertainment industry again and a large portion of his wealth should go to his victims.
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Like Lilly of AT&T says, "It's really not that complicated."
  • Baldwin killed the woman.
  • Only he knows if it was accidental (likely) or on purpose.
  • He should admit guilt and quit blaming others, firearm, the planet, the weather, yada yada.
  • He should be indicted and tried for some crime: negligence, manslaughter, something....not up to me.
  • Since we can't fix stupid, we can at least TRY to punish stupid people for being such...maybe next time they'll be a little less stupid (hard to not do something you have lots of practice doing).
  • EDIT: I almost forgot...he's an asshole regardless of the outcome, not that has any bearing on his guilt but I've felt that way about him for a looong time.
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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I remain sad for the victim and her family but re: Baldwin? Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, IMO.