Firearms: Alec Baldwin - Colin Noir's take on it


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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According to ABC News, which obtained a copy of the FBI's forensic report, the gun used on the New Mexico movie set could not have been fired without the trigger being pulled.

In other news, the Federal Bureau of Incompetence, after nearly a decade of testing, announced today their conclusion that water is indeed wet.


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
The first thing I do when I get a new gun is to train it not to be violent. My technique must work well, I have yet to be shot by one of my guns, at least before they all got lost in that awful boating accident 10 miles offshore.
Hopefully that wasn't in lake Mead. :winktongue:


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Amazing that they came to this conclusion. Wow. :rolleyes:

View attachment 136706
And pigs don't fly, there are 7 days in a week, yada yada...lets keep funding these clowns so we can learn crap we already know.

Hey, here's an idea...since all FBI field agents have firearms training, transfer 86,000 of them to the IRS..ta-da! 4 billion dollars in annual payroll and benefit saved, not to mention the time and money saved on indoctrination and training!

They could just as well serve as useless, corrupt, left-leaning dolts over at the IRS....they've had plenty of practice.

The Automation Guy

Known around here
Feb 7, 2019
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Just some random thoughts of mine...

First, I'm glad he was charged. I think we all feel like the charges are not punitive enough, but I understand the legal reasons for the charge. It was an accident. There was certainly plenty of negligence leading up to the accident, but there was not criminal intent.

Second, I don't actually expect Alec to spend a day in jail from these charges. Either they will be dropped, or he will plea deal down to nothing. It's not right (he should spend time in jail), but we live in a world where social standing and money gets you out of repercussions of your actions.

Third, I don't think Alec really accepts any blame for his role in the accident. I realize he can't admit or even hint at accepting any blame until the legal case is settled, but what little I have seen him talk about the accident leads me to believe this. Don't forget his role in this is much deeper than just being the person that pulled the trigger. He was the Producer of the film which means he was responsible for the production of the movie which includes the hiring of the armorer and other involved, as well as procedures on set. The entire movie production was already a shit show prior to the accident. There where at least two other accidental firearm discharges on set and at least 6 people had walked off the set due to safety issues - all prior to the accident. The fact that Alec didn't address any of these concerns in his role as Producer should be enough to find him guilty of manslaughter regardless of who pulled the trigger. Alex has done a great job in the media blaming others for handing him a loaded weapon, but the fact is that the "issues" that allowed this accident to happen in the first place were occurring long before the actual accident and known to the entire crew and nothing was done to correct the safety issues. That's 100% on Alec Baldwin as Producer even more than the fact that he was the person that actually pulled the trigger.

Personally I hope Alec Baldwin get the full sentence, spends time in jail, never works in Hollywood again, and is sued into bankruptcy by the victims of the accident due to his extreme negligence as the Producer of the film. There were about 100 different times that Alec could have prevented this tragedy (including his role as the person who pulled the trigger) and he failed at every step.

EDIT - corrected my misspelling of Alec's name.....
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Personally I hope Alex Baldwin get the full sentence, spends time in jail, never works in Hollywood again, and is sued into bankruptcy by the victims of the accident due to his extreme negligence as the Producer of the film. There were about 100 different times that Alex could have prevented this tragedy (including his role as the person who pulled the trigger) and he failed at every step.
I could not agree more.

Had he from the onset been more willing to admit the need for firearm safety, training and general familiarity through ownership and practice (basically support 2A), she'd very likely still be alive.

I just hope the DA in New Mexico won't be adversely affected by social pressure and politics and is better at his job than the one in LA when OJ was in the hot seat....what a clown show.