[FIXED] Cameras falling behind in BI vs in Camera interface

The 500w alone cost you about 40-70 bux a month depending on where you live. Then add the AC. With efficient systems you would be paying a tiny fraction of that since you wont need an ac.
Are you using direct to disk on all cams?
You can try using blue iris's new substream feature to lower cpu in the interim. The function is not 100 percent implemented and you may have some issues so proceed with caution only after reading the threads on the subject.

Looks like dropping the system down to 8 cores and letting it sit at 77% cpu seems to have fixed the issue. Weird. I have some Ryzen hardware lying around I'll put together later and see if that makes a big difference or not.
Well, there are 7 cams, and each is likely being decoded on only a single thread. Your CPU cores aren't very fast individually, made worse by virtualization overhead, and possibly also affected by non-uniform memory access. Lowering the frame rate should help immensely.

Thanks, dropping the core count down seems to have done the trick. I'm sitting around 26-30fps right now. I guess it was set higher than I thought. It seems even if I tell BI to use 20fps it goes higher?
The FPS is set in the cameras not in BI.