Foam Lens Ring IR Seal for Domes...


Young grasshopper
Mar 18, 2017
Are there any known replacement parts for these?

If not, what are the best DIY options

Specifically for the DS-2CD2132F-IS, but I presume they are pretty generic across all cameras utilising the same lenses.
Does anyone have the inner and outer dimensions? I don't want to have to go up there twice.
That's brilliant.

Thank you very much.

Looks like the sensor cut out is about 5mm too.
I used this stuff, basically cut out quarter sized pieces, used a hole punch to cut out center and sensor.

2 years later, having the same issues with IR bleed btw. Had I known this/done more homework before buying, I would not invested the amount I did in dome cams that's for sure! A real PIA to maintain.

Hoping some better tech comes out soon before I change my cams though, heat sensing that actually works well at a decent price would be nice.
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