Front porch camera/conduit/junction box installation questions

I would make adjustments and then see how it is. You might need a little WDR/SSA, but I would only use it if you can't dial it out with the other settings.

It also may not be a bad idea to physically turn the camera 90* and then go into the camera's UI and adjust the rotation to correct it. This would give you more top/bottom and less of the wall. It's worth a shot and doesn't cost you anything.

For reference, this is my wedge next to the door.
Front_Door 2023-01-06 PM.jpg
Here are a couple of screenshots. At night there is almost too much light from street lights/garage lights and it kinda washes part of the video out.
Same in the day, depending on where the light is coming from half the feed gets washed out.

These are still default image settings so I need to get in and see what can be done to try to improve it.
View attachment 197618

View attachment 197619

View attachment 197620

Any recommendations on camera positioning/angle? Thinking about pointing it more towards the left to get less wall? Also, this is the varifocal version but is all the way zoomed out because I feel like I am still getting good ID shots due to the close range.
I'm assuming its okay for me to post some random face shots as well?

If the person going to your front door walks along the pathway you should have a chance for the garage door area cameras to catch them also.

Sometimes of the day, a camera or 2 I have may get back light and not as effective as I like, thus another reason for my "I want anyone coming to the front of my house to have to walk through at least 2 camera zones".
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Sometimes of the day, a camera or 2 I have may get back light and not as effective as I like
That is why I have five cams covering my front door.
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I have got a few covering that door also. But no one has ever hopped the fence and gone to that door in the 13 years I have lived here. But many people have come to the front door, and a few have actually tried the handle.
I have got a few covering that door also. But no one has ever hopped the fence and gone to that door in the 13 years I have lived here. But many people have come to the front door, and a few have actually tried the handle.
That's been my experience so far too, several years ago before we had a fence we had a guy try to get in through the back door but since putting up the fence no one has hopped it yet.

Here are some head shots, still new to this but I think these are good?

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 9.52.39 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-07-02 at 9.54.16 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-07-02 at 9.55.11 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-07-02 at 11.32.07 AM.png

For some reason people like making eye contact with my new camera :lmao:
Here are some head shots, still new to this but I think these are good?
Those are great!

That is the kind of shot the police can use to ID and convict. If the police were to place one of those on their FB page, they would get an ID in a few minutes.
Friends condo next to a golf course the thieves came in through the back yard after hoping the golf course fence.

So I definitely also want coverage in the back .. still the first place of coverage for me is the priveway and front door.
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