Frustrated with new 2432. Help!


Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
So I've just received a new 2432 from Amazon and am having all sorts of woes. Mostly it's pretty much unusable over wifi; super slow frame rate, tons of dropped frames, can't connect to email server, etc. This gets marginally better when on ethernet where the email test works, but frame rate and dropped frames are still pretty bad.

The box labeling is all in Chinese, so I guess I got a Chinese unit. The box says v5.2.5_141201, which I'm guessing is the firmware, but camera itself reports 5.2.3 build 141024.

Any advice from the experts? Like what firmware can/should I load? What kind of delay should I see in the main stream (right now it's often over 10 seconds)? I've been reading the forum for hours trying to get a sense of what to do, but I'm starting to get overwhelmed.

My six year old Panasonic camera, while not as good an image, is kicking the Hikvision's ass right now. Sure would like to turn that around! ;-)

Or should I just send this thing back? :sad:


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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If you are having trouble over ethernet then there is something wrong with your camera or network...over wifi will have to lower the bitrate depending on the strength of your signal...Are u using the cameras default settings?
Try doing a hard reset and see if it helps.
Another test you can perform is connect the camera directly to pc, without using a will need to temporarily change the ipv4 settings on your pc to match the ip address subnet of the camera


Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for your quick reply, Fenderman. I did see a post that indicates some firmware have trouble connecting to a Mac, which is my desktop right now. I have a laptop PC and that seems a little better, but still doesn't explain the email problems and the huge lag and dropped frames. I am using a new Asus router and we are all in the same room with nothing else going on, so I really think my network is okay. The Panny cam is working great. I am using all default settings. I could do the hard reset if you still recommend that. But what kind of lag should I see on the video? On the PC it is a second or two with the cam on ethernet and the laptop on wifi, but still plenty of dropped frames and period of no video. With the Mac and cam both on ethernet, everything is worse and the delays are huge.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hi GPSRider,
I have same cam since few days and I'm actually testing it with WIFI.
I noticed dropframes when I use it in 1080p with full frame rate.
I didn't yet took time to investigate my network fine tuning , as it's quite new : just installed Unifi from Ubiquiti, but these are my actual settings without drop frames :

The most funny, with these settings my can only streams around 2.4Mpbs even if my settings are at 4096 regarding on my OSD :

Ok, I use variable bitrate actually, but it's quite the same with fixed bitrate.

Try using first low definition and bitrate, then goes up until you will begin to have drops.
These will allow you the see the actual limit you have with your wifi.
But I never say : this is normal...
To continue...


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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How new is your mac? Is it possible it is simply too old and slow to handle the bigger video stream?

Also when you connect via ethernet make sure you are not actually still connecting over the WiFi. The cam has a separate IP address for each network interface.