Full access to 2732 SD Card files


Nov 29, 2014

I have 2 DS-2CD2732F-IS cameras. I love them, all the features, image quality, and the fact that I don't need a server. One thing I'm missing is a more fine-grained access to the video files without pulling the SD card out of the camera. All I see is the ability to download individual video files through the Playback screen of the web interface, and set an Overwrite policy in the Record Schedule.
I'd love to be able to browse the files and selectively copy or delete them. Even when I get a Linux shell through the SSH port to the camera, it doesn't seem obvious in which directory the video files are stored.
Any suggestions for better file access?

Bump. I want to archive SD card files from my DS-2CD2132F-IS cameras. Can't figure out how to access them.
Just setup ivms-4200 on a pc then add your camera as devices
Then you can browse all of your devices and their recorded images.
I would do this from within your lan as setting up the camera to access from outside is not a secure choice.
If you want to archive them, the cheapest option is a 7104n/sn NVR
Its a better option the a pc based software, and less messing around.
Well, no, the cheapest option is to copy them off the SD Card onto my NAS. Which is why I'm asking about SD card access in a thread about SD card access. Thanks for your suggestion, though.
I don't have a 2732 with SD card to test this out on - but maybe you could try this from a 2132, it should work the same.
Add the NAS as a storage destination in the camera web GUI.
With telnet or SSH access to the camera, find the path to the NAS using the 'mount' command and 'change directory' to it. Let's say it's nfs00.
Inspect the 'mount' output for the path to the SD card.
login as: root
root@'s password:

BusyBox v1.19.3 (2014-07-11 11:25:54 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type ext2 (rw,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
ramfs on /home type ramfs (rw,relatime)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
/dev/ubi1_0 on /dav type ubifs (rw,relatime)
/dev/ubi3_0 on /davinci type ubifs (rw,relatime)
/dev/ubi4_0 on /config type ubifs (rw,relatime) on /mnt/nfs00 type nfs (rw,sync,relatime,vers=3,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,namlen=255,acregmin=0,acregmax=0,acdirmin=0,acdirmax=0,soft,noac,nolock,proto=tcp,port=65535,timeo=70,retrans=3,sec=sys,local_lock=all,addr=
/dev/mmc01 on /mnt/mmc01 type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
# cd /mnt/nfs00
# mkdir backup001
# cp -R /mnt/mmc01 backup001
# ls backup001/mmc01
hiv00000.pic hiv00043.pic hiv00086.pic hiv00129.pic hiv00172.pic hiv00215.pic
hiv00001.pic hiv00044.pic hiv00087.pic hiv00130.pic hiv00173.pic hiv00216.pic
hiv00002.pic hiv00045.pic hiv00088.pic hiv00131.pic hiv00174.pic hiv00217.pic
hiv00003.pic hiv00046.pic hiv00089.pic hiv00132.pic hiv00175.pic hiv00218.pic
hiv00004.pic hiv00047.pic hiv00090.pic hiv00133.pic hiv00176.pic hiv00219.pic
hiv00005.pic hiv00048.pic hiv00091.pic hiv00134.pic hiv00177.pic hiv00220.pic
hiv00006.pic hiv00049.pic hiv00092.pic hiv00135.pic hiv00178.pic hiv00221.pic
hiv00007.pic hiv00050.pic hiv00093.pic hiv00136.pic hiv00179.pic hiv00222.pic
hiv00008.pic hiv00051.pic hiv00094.pic hiv00137.pic hiv00180.pic hiv00223.pic
hiv00009.pic hiv00052.pic hiv00095.pic hiv00138.pic hiv00181.pic hiv00224.pic
hiv00010.pic hiv00053.pic hiv00096.pic hiv00139.pic hiv00182.pic hiv00225.pic
hiv00011.pic hiv00054.pic hiv00097.pic hiv00140.pic hiv00183.pic hiv00226.pic
hiv00012.pic hiv00055.pic hiv00098.pic hiv00141.pic hiv00184.pic hiv00227.pic
hiv00013.pic hiv00056.pic hiv00099.pic hiv00142.pic hiv00185.pic hiv00228.pic
hiv00014.pic hiv00057.pic hiv00100.pic hiv00143.pic hiv00186.pic hiv00229.pic
hiv00015.pic hiv00058.pic hiv00101.pic hiv00144.pic hiv00187.pic hiv00230.pic
hiv00016.pic hiv00059.pic hiv00102.pic hiv00145.pic hiv00188.pic hiv00231.pic
hiv00017.pic hiv00060.pic hiv00103.pic hiv00146.pic hiv00189.pic hiv00232.pic
hiv00018.pic hiv00061.pic hiv00104.pic hiv00147.pic hiv00190.pic hiv00233.pic
hiv00019.pic hiv00062.pic hiv00105.pic hiv00148.pic hiv00191.pic hiv00234.pic
hiv00020.pic hiv00063.pic hiv00106.pic hiv00149.pic hiv00192.pic hiv00235.pic
hiv00021.pic hiv00064.pic hiv00107.pic hiv00150.pic hiv00193.pic hiv00236.pic
hiv00022.pic hiv00065.pic hiv00108.pic hiv00151.pic hiv00194.pic hiv00237.pic
hiv00023.pic hiv00066.pic hiv00109.pic hiv00152.pic hiv00195.pic hiv00238.pic
hiv00024.pic hiv00067.pic hiv00110.pic hiv00153.pic hiv00196.pic hiv00239.pic
hiv00025.pic hiv00068.pic hiv00111.pic hiv00154.pic hiv00197.pic hiv00240.pic
hiv00026.pic hiv00069.pic hiv00112.pic hiv00155.pic hiv00198.pic hiv00241.pic
hiv00027.pic hiv00070.pic hiv00113.pic hiv00156.pic hiv00199.pic hiv00242.pic
hiv00028.pic hiv00071.pic hiv00114.pic hiv00157.pic hiv00200.pic hiv00243.pic
hiv00029.pic hiv00072.pic hiv00115.pic hiv00158.pic hiv00201.pic hiv00244.pic
hiv00030.pic hiv00073.pic hiv00116.pic hiv00159.pic hiv00202.pic hiv00245.pic
hiv00031.pic hiv00074.pic hiv00117.pic hiv00160.pic hiv00203.pic hiv00246.pic
hiv00032.pic hiv00075.pic hiv00118.pic hiv00161.pic hiv00204.pic hiv00247.pic
hiv00033.pic hiv00076.pic hiv00119.pic hiv00162.pic hiv00205.pic hiv00248.pic
hiv00034.pic hiv00077.pic hiv00120.pic hiv00163.pic hiv00206.pic hiv00249.pic
hiv00035.pic hiv00078.pic hiv00121.pic hiv00164.pic hiv00207.pic hiv00250.pic
hiv00036.pic hiv00079.pic hiv00122.pic hiv00165.pic hiv00208.pic hiv00251.pic
hiv00037.pic hiv00080.pic hiv00123.pic hiv00166.pic hiv00209.pic hiv00252.pic
hiv00038.pic hiv00081.pic hiv00124.pic hiv00167.pic hiv00210.pic hiv00253.pic
hiv00039.pic hiv00082.pic hiv00125.pic hiv00168.pic hiv00211.pic index00p.bin
hiv00040.pic hiv00083.pic hiv00126.pic hiv00169.pic hiv00212.pic index01p.bin
hiv00041.pic hiv00084.pic hiv00127.pic hiv00170.pic hiv00213.pic
hiv00042.pic hiv00085.pic hiv00128.pic hiv00171.pic hiv00214.pic
That looks like it would do it. Once I have the path, can I address it simply from outside? I can't tell if the camera supports ftp or anything.
Can you explain how to telnet to the camera ? I tried to telnet/ssh the ip address but it didnt work !!
The service needs to be available in the camera, and enabled.
Availability to enable either via web GUI or via the Batch Configuration Tool varies with the firmware version.
Also - from firmware 5.3.0 and later, the shell is 'psh' which is very restricted, so no ability to access the internal storage.