The high pressure fuel pump crapped out on my '08 6.4L Powerstroke at 8 years/154K miles BUT.....That’s certainly a possibility. I will admit I do own a ‘02 7.3 Powerstroke that has never left me stranded.
I was doing 75 MPH on Interstate I-65 about 80 miles from home and it goes into "limp mode" where you are limited to 55MPH and allows you to keep driving.
Engine light came on, water & trans temp OK (found code later with my OBC reader).....turned around and headed home and got it fixed later....was not stranded either.
Out of all my Ford's I've had since 1965 the only one that didn't get me where I was going and got towed was the '17 Escape that hit a H-U-G-E buck head on at 55MPH on Christmas Eve of 2019, did $11K damage to the front end and engine compartment....can't much blame any car for that.