It's the price of diesel that worries me. It takes diesel to plant the seeds, diesel to fertilize, diesel to water the crop, diesel to harvest, diesel to ship it to the processing plants and diesel to ship the end product to the consumer. Who is going to pay the price for high fuel cost? The little guy that wants to eat.
It's the price of diesel that worries me. It takes diesel to plant the seeds, diesel to fertilize, diesel to water the crop, diesel to harvest, diesel to ship it to the processing plants and diesel to ship the end product to the consumer. Who is going to pay the price for high fuel cost? The little guy that wants to eat.
I have cut way back on my spending last month. In fact this will be the first time I will have a $0.00 balance on my credit card. What little I have spent has been cash. Our utilities come right out of our checking account.
The CC companies have never made a penny in interest off of me as I've always paid my card(s) off every single month. Any money made off of my purchases are their percentages that they charge the retailer.
Fertilizer up also ..
The CC companies have never made a penny in interest off of me as I've always paid my card(s) off every single month. Any money made off of my purchases are their percentages that they charge the retailer.
We paid off our farm and cars off last year. I sleep a lot better at night knowing I don't owe anyone for anything. I use a credit card, as I don't carry cash around with me, but it is always paid off at the end of the month when the bill comes in. We don't purchase much anymore, as it is about time to start down sizing. I still collect "toys", though.....Yup, to make 28% the process takes alot of natural gas. Fertilizer prices are through the roof. Even with high grain prices the inputs are so high (if you can get them) there will be alot of farmers making hard decisions in the next few months as planting season starts.
Because if you’ve been farming for any amount of time you know that prices can go down just as fast as they went up. And October and November harvest is a long ways away.
A lot of the mills around here aren’t buying grain unless they need it. The buyers know that these prices can’t continue like this. And if they are buying they are paying at least $0.50 under
We’ve never carried a balance on our CC’s. Both me and my wife have been raised to never buy anything unless you can pay for it. The only loan I’ve ever taken out was for our house.
We started taking Financial Peace at our church a few months back. We started ditching the CC’s and going cash only. It is truly unbelievable how much money we’ve been saving.
By actually handing cash out there is something that goes through the mind as to “do I really need this?”
It is truly amazing how much you can save if you actually have to hand over some cash instead of just swiping
Though Canada can supply the oil to Europe, but the shipping and time cost who undertake? The local normal people will undertake. For those battery cars, i will not buy now, but will buy when US Amy start use battery cars and trucks![]()
If you think the prices for gas in the US are high, come to the Netherlands, there we pay roughly 10.5 USD per for a gallon![]()