Geofence Setup


Nov 26, 2017
I am trying to setup the geofence so that I don't get app notifications while I am home. I enabled geofence in the app and set my location in the app. I also made profiles called "Inside Geofence" and "Outside Geofence"
I set an "On alert" push notification to send a notification using the "Outside Geofence" profile. When I left to go to work this morning I didn't set off any notifications, which is what I wanted. But when my girlfriend left 2 hours after I did, I never received a notification. Do I have it setup wrong in the "On alert" screen?

Basically I am trying to cut down on all the false notifications while I walk around my house all the time
You don't mention the device OS (Apple or Android).

Many of us have found Android to be quite finicky (just one example).

Regardless of the OS, sometimes a good place to start is to delete the devices from the Blue Iris Settings > Mobile devices page, then recreate the connections by logging in anew from the devices. Of course this comes with the inconvenience of recreating the device settings and "Inside Geofence" and "Outside Geofence" actions; so if the configuration is complex, take screenshots first.

And for Android devices, make sure the battery use setting for the Blue Iris app is 'Unrestricted'.
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