Geofencing now reliable on my Android device


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
SF Bay Area
Until recently when using the Android Blue Iris app, I was never able to reliably get Blue Iris geofencing to work. This all changed recently with the Nov 29 release of the app (v 2.0.63). I hesitated to report this until I was confident that what I was experiencing was true. After 3+ weeks I have not noticed a single failure.

I’m wondering if anyone else has noticed this?

If you previously disabled geofencing support on your Blue Iris app due to its unreliability, perhaps it’s time to give it another try.

My particulars:
* Samsung Galaxy 9 SM-G960U, running Android 8.0.0
* Android App v 2.0.63 (* Geofence fixes * Temporary Per-Camera Profiles)
* Blue Iris release
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Does geofencing require GPS to be turned on 24/7? I find it is on by default when I reboot and it really eats the battery in my S8 so I typically turn it off.
Does geofencing require GPS to be turned on 24/7? I find it is on by default when I reboot and it really eats the battery in my S8 so I typically turn it off.

My understanding is that GPS is not required, but geofence accuracy will suffer without GPS.
Check your Location Services for a setting like the following...

Murphy strikes!!

Wouldn't you know it... I upload a post in the morning, then leave the house in the afternoon THEN Blue Iris app FAILS to register the the exit and entry events. It just quit for.the.first.time.!!! since I updated to version 2.0.63.

Today I got it working again by doing the following. I'm not suggesting these steps are required, I'm just reporting what I did. (Note: my device's 'Locating Method' was set to 'High Accuracy' as shown in post #3 above). (EDIT: Note with these steps I'm opting to set my geofence based on my device location, not the server location.)
1) Opened the BI Android app and reset BI’s geofences via ‘Information>Reset geofences’. [1]
2) Took my device outside the house.
3) Opened the Google Maps app and made sure it correctly located my device. This included expanding the scale to confirm there was only a small light blue error circle around my blue location dot (click <here> to learn more). See image #1.
4) Opened a GPS app [2] and made sure it was also reporting a small error for my location (3m, in this case). See image #2.
5) Reopened the BI Android app and selected ‘Settings>Geofence radius’ and selected ‘Off’. Noted a "Geofences updated' flash message.
6) Closed the app.
7) Reopened the BI Android app and selected ‘Settings>Geofence radius’ and selected ‘50m', (EDIT: then 'Your Current Location' (not 'Server Location')). Again noted a "Geofences updated' flash message. See image #3.
8) Closed the app.

Next I took a walk and tested the boundaries of my geofence. I used a GPS app to track my distance as I leisurely walked in a straight line, stopping when I neared the geofence boundary plus ~2*GPS error distances. Within 1-2 minutes, the BI app successfully detected I had exited the geofence. See image #4. I actually repeated steps 5-8 numerous times, testing different radius values. The BI app's detection worked quite well for radius values of 50+ meters.

[1] I’m not sure what this command really does. It is not described in the app's 'Help'. I have sent an inquiry to developer and will post the reply when I get one.
[2] My favorite GPS app is AndroiTS GPS Test Pro; unfortunately it is no longer available in the Play Store (but you can find the Free version with a little google-fu). I also like GPS Status & Toolbox <link>; swipe right for a screen you can use to track your walking distance from your current location.

Image #1. Note: Despite showing my location as inside the house, I was really outside - it’s within the error circle.

Image #2.

Image #3.

Image #4.
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[1] I’m not sure what this command really does. It is not described in the app's 'Help'. I have sent an inquiry to developer and will post the reply when I get one.

I received a reply from Ken regarding the purpose of the 'Reset geofences' command in the BI Android app...

"The phone/OS may maintain multiple geofence rules based on different users of the phone and for multiple servers. The reset button likely removes all of these seen/unseen rules so that you may start from a known (empty) configuration."

Worth trying, I think, if you are having difficulties with geofencing on your Android Device
What reset button?
I looked in the Android app settings and didn't find it.

Actually I've been good with geofencing since getting a new Galaxy Note8, never worked on my Note5.
I leave off any and all power-saving settings because the battery is fine all day and also Google Maps will keep tracking/talking with the screen turned off.