Get the stream of DS-2CD40C5F-A


Sep 25, 2017

I'm using the DS-2CD40C5F-A video camera to replace my old Vivotek IP9181-H. The video camera is part of a bigger recognition system.

I have a web application to supervise my equipment, whose one part is a liveview from the video camera.
With the Vivotek video camera, I was able to display a http stream on my web app (which is the easiest way, because displaying a rtsp stream on a web page semmed quite complicated).
I looked into the Hikvision documentation, but I was not able to find a http link to get the stream.
Does anyone already displayed a stream on web application, or know a way to get the stream via http link ?

Best regards,

I was able to display a http stream on my web app
Is this a custom web app that you have created?
displaying a rtsp stream on a web page semmed quite complicated).
To the best of my knowledge, the only way that Hikvision still do this via HTTP - despite stating that it would be possible with pure HTTP and no plug-in over a year ago - is by using their browser plug-in 'Webcomponents', which I expect you've already seen.
Is there any way that you can integrate VLC into your web app?

Thanks for answering.

I think my vocabulary was wrong. It's a classical website that I've written in html/php/js. One of the pages allow me to have a liveview of the video camera.

I can't use their plug-in because I will not be the only user, and I can't ask to the other users to download a plug-in. And it's the same thing for VLC, it needs a plug-in...

I'm still trying to get that stream on my website.
The video camera was provided with a documentation related to the PSIA standard called PSIA-IPMD.pdf, which one of the sections is "streaming http" (7.12.5 /PSIA/Streaming/channels/<ID>/http).
Some of the command are working, like /PSIA/Streaming/channels/ID/picture to get a snapshot, but I can't manage to get the "streaming http" one working.

Does anyone have an idea ? Maybe some parameters missing in the command ? Or is it obsolete ?


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Thank you for the answer.

I'll try this after updating the firmware, mine is a 5.3.4.
Don't you need any login information on the link ?