Hacking into surveillance camera system?


Jul 10, 2017
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Can anyone tell me is it possible to 'hack' into my multi-camera system so that outsiders can see what I do on my monitor and more importantly could they possibly remotely right click and gain access to the various action functions like search, shutdown etc.? It came with a Wifi capability where you could set it up a smart phone to view the camera views remotely, but I have removed that Wifi access cord from my router. If its possible to hack in, could they also see what I do on the monitor screen as far as right clicking and using the various action functions?


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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an anyone tell me is it possible to 'hack' into my multi-camera system
It depends ....
On the brand of system, and how well the system software has been implemented.
On how many security vulnerabilities the system software still has.
On how up to date with security and vulnerability fixes the firmware is.
On how careful you have been with system passwords.
On how carefully you have configured the various risky capabilities such UPnP in both the router and the surveillance system.
On whether you have done any 'port-forwarding' configuration.
On whether anyone would want to spend the time and effort hacking in to the system.
On whether other users of your network can be fully trusted.
On how many calls you've had from 'The Microsoft Technical Centre' about how your PC is doing bad things and they need to connect to it and fix it - for a fee.
And probably other things that don't immediately spring to mind.

In reality, though, it's something that's much more a theoretical possibility than a likely possibility.