Hardware acceleration cause of ghosting?

while waiting for amazon order, try this to ensure GPU is not turned off/idle on headless system

My -occasional- blurring/ghosting was corrected (eliminated) when hardware acceleration was enabled by changing to a Constant bitrate and slightly higher max bitrate; e.g.


Without HA enabled, I never saw the issue. I experimented with settings on the camera and BI and found that making these changes on the camera worked for me. (your mileage may vary)

Intel i9-9900k, native UHD 630 graphics, with driver (newer graphics driver out today, not yet updated)
Thanks for that. I had my power settings set to basic, so we'll see if setting to Maximum Performance changes anything. I'll report back my findings after the emulator is installed.
Thanks for that. I had my power settings set to basic, so we'll see if setting to Maximum Performance changes anything. I'll report back my findings after the emulator is installed.

Also the graphics power plan and turn off display settings
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Thanks for that. I had my power settings set to basic, so we'll see if setting to Maximum Performance changes anything. I'll report back my findings after the emulator is installed.

Did the emulator work for you?
I had the same problem as others on an Intel i7 9700K)and tried several different combinations of bitrate, tried different driver versions, all to no avail. Changing the power settings as @jmhmcse suggested did the trick. Didn't need an emulator.
