You'd be surprised how much of a passive deterrence effect nice bright white cameras have. Esp. hanging off the corners of buildings. If nothing else, big honking cameras hanging off the side of our house, seems to be conversation sstarter among people out walking the dogs or kids etc.... Sends a message visually, People pointing and talking while they are out talk. then word gets around. One neighbor said " paranoid Much?" LOL...I told him my Sister in law has lived in Orange Co. Calif, & the crappy ass- East side of St. Paul. where if it wasn't nailed down, it would disappear.
Your going to need some cameras dedicated to identifying Vehicles, plates, and faces. maybe even a Color 4K bullet in the shed, with LED's that light it up at night so you can see shit.
first cam is a Color 4K-X 3.6mm 8MP refurb from Empiretech Andy.
8-MP 1/1.2" CMOS image sensor | Built-in warm illuminator | The max. illumination distance is 60 m | Built-in Mic and speaker | supports two-way talk | ePoE, IP67 protection | SMD 3.0

My Sister in law wants me to move with her to Houston she when she retires in a few years.
Near her Cousin in Cypress. My Dad says " you're crazy",
My friend at work from Vietnam says, "Crazy hot and Humid".
I'm starting to see why The Houston Astrodome was such a hit in the 60's.
So I take it theres lots of heavy traffic and it's friggin hot and humid...
So I probably wont trade for what I got here....yet....