Help needed! Recording outages with Dahua NVR

Quick update. Just resetted the NVR to factory default (through the web UI) and set up from scratch so lets see if this resolves the issue.

However I noticed that after resetting to factory default the camera names were still the names I had given them (ie the camera names did not default back to Camera 1, Camera 2, etc). Made me wonder if everything really went back to factory default...the last time i did it I reset by pressing the button inside the NVR. Not sure if that is any different to factory resetting via the web UI. Anyway will see if the outages are gone.
Its taken a while but I think I may have accidentally come across the solution and hopefully this helps someone that has a similar issue.

Anyway shortly after I resetted the NVR on 1 Feb, Cam 1 would continue to drop offline usually once or twice a day. I noticed when I reset the NVR the settings in Cam 1 (eg tripwire settings, etc) were still there so I also went into the Cam 1 login page and resetted the Cam 1 and then resetted the NVR. Unfortunately the dropouts continued.

Just as I was about to give up I thought why not try to plug Cam 1 into Port 2 of the NVR and Cam 2 into Port 1 of the NVR so that at least I can see if there is an issue with Port 1 of the NVR and/or the network cable for Cam 1. Also I remembered that the very first time I reset the NVR I actually opened up the NVR and pressed the reset button but since that time all my other resets were by logging into the NVR and resetting via the webpage. I also remembered that when I reset via the reset button in the NVR that all the Cams were online until the power outage.

So that is what I did. Swapped Cam 1 to Port 2 and reset via the reset button in the NVR. I don't know if its because of one or both of those things I have done but I have had no drop offs for the past 3 days. Fingers crossed the issue is resolved but I feel the real solution was the resetting via the reset button in the NVR. I don't know what difference there are to resetting via the NVR webpage but seems to work for me.

Side question: Is there not a power button on the NVR (I have the NVR4104-P-4KS2)? I looked all round but can't seem to find one. When I click shutdown on the NVR webpage it doesn't actually power off the NVR and so I need to pull the plug. Just curious if there is a more elegant way to power off the NVR.

Thanks everyone for all the assistance and help!
I have a 4116 and like you I never did find a power button..
I have a 4116 and like you I never did find a power button..

Thanks for confirming, I thought I was going blind. Guess I just dont understand, surely it can't be that expensive to add a power button. Anyway plugging the plug it is but fingers crossed it will be a while before I next need to power off the NVR!
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