Known around here
you can assign the camera an IP address inside the Vlan. and I believe you can set the Amcrest APP to connect to the camera via a DDNS name, or an IP address ( static) and, /or P2P with a QR code.
and with the IP (static) setup you can keep it all on the local network.
My experience is with Amcrest DVR/NVR's that connect to Blue iris, or standalone.
But the Amcrest 841 ptz will be available to initialize at, on a browser. from there set a password and change the Ip address.
There are version 2 and version 3 of this camera I think.....maybe newer versions of this cam support newer browsers.
but you will need to interact with the camera from Interet Explorer, or EDge, or Chrome with the IE tab.
and with the IP (static) setup you can keep it all on the local network.
My experience is with Amcrest DVR/NVR's that connect to Blue iris, or standalone.
But the Amcrest 841 ptz will be available to initialize at, on a browser. from there set a password and change the Ip address.
There are version 2 and version 3 of this camera I think.....maybe newer versions of this cam support newer browsers.
but you will need to interact with the camera from Interet Explorer, or EDge, or Chrome with the IE tab.