I love how Rob knows what is coming from many of us that he simply says it LOL "So big surprise everybody Rob's going to say that the Reolink 510a is the best budget camera under $50" However, he does caveat it with the nighttime video is not as good. He ranks the Reolink 510a as the best...
What did he do to make the 5442 look like that? Looks like he may have WDR turned on in the day shot. Definitely can get that a lot better day and night.
^Yeah it is clear that he was using default settings but cranked the WDR up.
I dissected his other video that recommended Andy's camera here and discussed the use of too much WDR during the day and demonstrated it was default settings:
Hot off the press, The Hookup ranks @EMPIRETECANDY T5842 as the best affordable camera if night time performance is the main concern. I still think he has flaws in his analysis trying to do to much with a camera and trying to get a further distance IDENTIFY out of it than the focal length is...
Which then turned into creating the following thread based on comments others provided in the above thread:
At the urging of several folks here, I created a thread to show the importance of focal length and how focal length can be more important than megapixels (MP). I mentioned some of this in the post regarding The Hookup’s latest video demonstrating different cameras, including one sold from a...
Rob Reolink should take some time off and learn how to adjust a camera in the first place. Then he needs to learn how to slow down and do a real review. It's obvious he;s a Reolink fanboy from the very start so anything he says is already more than questionable.