So I have this camera set up and in the dahua tool when connected to Ethernet it shows 2 IP addresses for this camera. One wired and one WiFi. When I disconnect I can see this camera on the WiFi through the WiFi IP but it drops out after 5-10 minutes. Any ideas?
Please don’t give me hell for the cheap purchase I have 2 other camera’s by dahua on Poe that work great with no issues. Due to the structure of my 2 story house running ethernet though the subfloor with no crawl space required extensive drilling and drywall repair. I chose the WiFi to avoid that. I have several other lower end foscam WiFi camera’s that I have set up and have no issues other than the poor quality video. I though this would be a good replacement.
I figured out the power cord issue. I am using a converter that outputs 12v at 2a and I got it powered up. Cam would not power using Poe in my switch.
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Please don’t give me hell for the cheap purchase I have 2 other camera’s by dahua on Poe that work great with no issues. Due to the structure of my 2 story house running ethernet though the subfloor with no crawl space required extensive drilling and drywall repair. I chose the WiFi to avoid that. I have several other lower end foscam WiFi camera’s that I have set up and have no issues other than the poor quality video. I though this would be a good replacement.
I figured out the power cord issue. I am using a converter that outputs 12v at 2a and I got it powered up. Cam would not power using Poe in my switch.
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