Hi from Orange County, California with questions


Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
Orange County, California
Hi to all Blue Iris users, I have been testing IP cameras using Blue Iris and finally got to the point of running it 24/7. Though, I have some questions that have either been answered in the forum or that you might be able to help. I am running 3 Dahua cameras, one 1.3 MP, and two 2MP cameras. I am using these only for viewing what goes on the outside of my house as I am wary of the potential backdoor access that exists with Dahua products.

One issue I have is that I am missing motion triggering events (there was a package at my front door and the setup did not capture what happened though many other events were captured on all three cameras throughout the day), and I am not sure why. I am concerned that if one camera is triggered first and the scene is being encoded that the other one or two cameras if also triggered thereafter will not have their triggered scene(s) being encoded and saved.

I don't know if this is due to Blue Iris or my set up. Does Blue Iris allow scene capture on multiple cameras at the same time, and what is the limitation as to the number of cameras that can be recorded at the same time. If there is a limit, does Blue Iris allow prioritization of one camera over another? Or is this a limitation of the evaluation copy of Blue Iris.

I would also not be surprised if my current setup is not powerful enough. I stated with a desktop running a i5 4570S CPU and 8 MB of RAM with the full version of Blue Iris and noticed that most of the time only two cores were used, so I tried to reduce power usage by running the set up on a laptop running i5 4200 (two core CPU) with also 8MB of RAM and a trial version of Blue Iris. The cameras are set at 30FPS and max resolution.

I would appreciate any thoughts.

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Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Not exactly sure what problem you are having, but a common one is the "Pre-trigger frame buffer size". If this is set to 0, and the motion is fast, you may miss the initial frames... Try adjusting the Pre-trigger frame buffer size...

Here's what I have for my front prorch...

Screenshot 2014-06-21 22.41.30.png
Screenshot 2014-06-21 22.41.40.png


Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
Orange County, California
Thanks. I noticed that I was missing the first second or seconds after trigger in the past, but couldn't figure out why, and now I know thanks to you.

But as to the package on my doorstep today, nothing from beginning to end was captured. The Dahua 3MP camera 3.6mm lens has about a 70 degree wide field of view and captures cars and the couriers as they come down our street. But there was nothing, no courier truck, no courier walking up the path to the front door or returning to his truck. Seemed like the whole event was never triggered and recorded.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Welcome to the forum. Most of the time failure to capture motion is caused by the "object detect/reject" box in the motion tab. Uncheck the box. You may also want to reduce your make time "trigger if motion occurs for at least" to 0.5 seconds or so. Also look at your settings for minimum object size. However as i said, its usually the object detect reject issue.
As an aside, you mentioned a dahua security vulnerability in your original post. Just not that if you dont port forward your actual camera and only forward the blue iris webserver any camera security fault is a non issue. As long as blue iris is secure you are ok.