HikConnect only playsback video at certain times, bitrate related?


Young grasshopper
May 18, 2016
Hi All
Just setup a hikvision turret cam with hikconnect (android), and for some strange reason it seems to playback over the hours of darkness, during the day it pretty much wont playback. Think it could be bitrate related, i have it set to 3072 bitrate and if i lower it to about 1024 it seems to be ok. But then the image doesnt look great. I can play back directly via the
cameras built in player at any bitrate but just not via the android app.

Any ideas??
are you running the android app on a cell service or via wifi at home ? Test both, it may be your cell service
I have it on both WiFi and Mobile 4g and its the same with both of them.
Yes its definitely bitrate related, If i set the camera to record to sd using the substreams or lower mainstream bitrate it playsback fine. I`ve tried both ivms-4200 (windows) and the network camera direct ip and they playback fine at higher bitrate.
Could it be that its just how the android app is setup, its like theyve added a feature to fail if its using too much bandwidth, but surely this is something you should be able to change depending on if you are using wifi or 4g/5g networks? Very odd.