Hikvision Doorbell Wifi Camera - DS-KB6003-WIP

I found it on a ftp that my supplier has access to. what’s odd is that the network page on the browser login only shows ports and no IP address. I was only able to change the ip address via SADP. I just hope it doesn’t change after 24 hours like it did with the last FW, otherwise I don’t know how I’m going to keep it linked to my NVR. Ironicaly, the release nots for the new firmware specifically says “added NVR support” I don’t know of any other way to associate a cam to NVR other than the ip address...
i just found an updated FW that added browser login. what odd is that i had the doorbell cam linked to my NVR by using ip reservation in my router. this was necessary because the doorbell requested a new ip address every 24 hours, and obviously the NVR would lose it. now with the new FW, for some reason the mac address changed from what it used to be, and i made the change in my router to reflect the new mac address but for some reason it wont work! the doorbell wont take the ip address the router is set to give it. now im not sure how to link it to the NVR...

I found exact same but the doorbell on the new firmware changes IP to manual and not DHCP, so it wont ask for an ip address, mine was set static to I left mine on static but changed to the one i wanted.

Also, the new firmware adds ONVIF and HIKVISION support for streaming. So the NVR can plug/play the cam and add auto, so no longer is the need to RTSP the URL. My doorbell is now seen as a HIKVISION IP cam. Which is good because that protocol will carry the motion detection/logic too.
Mine was seen as Hikvision with the older FW just fine. I told the NVR what address to find the cam at. It worked like any other cam. However, I’m having an issue with the new firmware. The motion detection keeps turning itself off after a few min. I enable it, walk in front of it, get an alert on my phone, then a few min later it stops. I go back to the browser page, refresh the page and the option is unchecked! I can’t keep it on! So I reverted back to the older FW and now motion stays enabled