great info, i'm almost there, for me on asterisk 17 (freepx)
i have indeed an 8003 and 9310 indoor station, i have both registered them as extensions
1000 is 8003 outdoor station
1001 is 9310 indoor station
1002 is linphone test client
for testing, i can call from indoor station with the "VOIP" button to 1002 ! video and audio is working
i cant call though from 1002 to 1001 , 503 service unavailable?
then i found indeed those number settings
so created a room nr 2 => sip nr 1001 => 8003 fails calling to the indoor station
then created a room nr 3 => sip nr 1002 => 8003 succeeds calling to my linphone!! its working
i dont understand why i cant call my indoor station on sip ?
but some quesions about those room numbers in those screenshots... am i correct saying :
1) button settins is actually linked with a room? so in your example, if you define "button settings" = 3 =it will call a SIP number that you defined in "number settins" ?
EDIT => tested it, ok, room is indeed with button settings
2) so actually you can just call any room nr (sip) from your keypad like enterring for example "2#" ?
EDIT => tested it, ok entering something like 3# , will call indeed a SIP nr

3) i am struggling to call my indoor by SIP, is it possible to call my indoor panel by normal method and simultanously other SIP numbers?
4) how do you call multiple sips numbers simultaously? i dont think its possibe, right? i think we need to define an incoming forward rule to call other extensions also in PBX, right?
in the end my goal is actually calling all devices simualtanously, because i dont want to use the HikConnect app , but my biggest problem, is my indoor station, i dont get it why i can't call it , my indoor station is registered fine in PBX, otherwise i wouldnt be able to call my linphone client from indoor station
thnx for feedback