But is any chance to unpack this firmware an modified translation in firmware and the repack again witch change translation.?
The language code patch for intercom indoor monitors based on H5 platform:
1. I have found, how the language code is patched in the VIS_11_H5_INDOOR_STD_V1.5.0_181101 firmware (This firmware was attached to my previous post)
The patched file is hicore.
The patched function is GET_BOOT_PARAMS.
Disassembled code:
.text:0003C53C update_language_code__loc_3C53C ; CODE XREF: GET_BOOT_PARAMS__sub_3C36C+1C0j
.text:0003C53C LDR R3, =dword_7344FC
.text:0003C540 STR R4, [R3]
.text:0003C544 MOV R3, #1 ; Load language code 1 (EN)
.text:0003C548 LDR R4, =device_boot_params_addr__dword_A55594
.text:0003C54C LDRB R2, [R4,#0x80]
.text:0003C550 STR R3, [R4,#0x10] ; Store language code (offset 0x10 in the boot params array)
.text:0003C554 CMP R2, #0
.text:0003C558 BNE loc_3C56C
.text:0003C55C BL sub_37B78
2. The disassembled code for the original firmware
.text:0003CF9C loc_3CF9C ; CODE XREF: GET_BOOT_PARAMS__sub_3CDCC+1C0j
.text:0003CF9C LDR R3, =dword_7B4468
.text:0003CFA0 STR R4, [R3]
.text:0003CFA4 LDR R4, =device_boot_params_addr_dword_B1E33C ;
.text:0003CFA4 ; --------------
.text:0003CFA4 ; Language patch:
.text:0003CFA8 LDRB R3, [R4,#0x80] ; Load language code 1 (EN) -> MOV R3, #1
.text:0003CFAC CMP R3, #0 ; Store language code (offset 0x10 in the boot params array) -> STR R3, [R4,#0x10]
.text:0003CFB0 BNE loc_3CFE4 ; Keep existing functionality -> LDRB R3, [R4,#0x80]
.text:0003CFB4 LDR R3, [R4,#0x10] ; Keep existing functionality -> CMP R3, #0
.text:0003CFB8 CMP R3, #1 ; Keep existing functionality -> BNE loc_3CFE4
.text:0003CFBC BNE loc_3CFD4 ; Keep existing functionality -> NOP
.text:0003CFC0 BL sub_38600
The language patch implementation is defined in comments.
3. I created the patched version VIS_11_H5_INDOOR_EN_STD_V1.5.1_190319 firmware (see attached).
Also attached original and patched hicore files.
4. Loading of the patched firmware:
If you have Chinese interface:
- load VIS_11_H5_INDOOR_STD_V1.5.0_181101 firmware
- activate device
- load VIS_11_H5_INDOOR_EN_STD_V1.5.1_190319_PATCHED firmware.
- reset device configuration
If you already have patched to English firmware:
- load VIS_11_H5_INDOOR_EN_STD_V1.5.1_190319_PATCHED firmware.
- reset device configuration