Hikvision NAS (cifs) mount fails. V5.2.5 build 141201


Apr 27, 2015
Reaction score
I have a 2132 with firmware version 5.2 and am unable to mount my window CIFS share. (It is not a Windows problem - manually mounting from the camera works)

SSH and enable debug
# setDebug -l 7 -m NAS -d 111

get the debug text

This way I can see the mount command
mount -t cifs -o sec=ntlm,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,nolock,noac,soft,noserverino,username='camera2@flat9.local',password='PASWORDHERE' '//'

Running the command gives me this error
mount: mounting // on /tmp/test/ failed: Operation not supported

Upon closer inspection I see that the sec=ntlm option is used. - but the installed version of busybox does not support the sec option!

# mount --help
BusyBox v1.19.3 (2014-07-11 11:25:54 CST) multi-call binary.
Usage: mount [OPTIONS] [-o OPTS] DEVICE NODE
Mount a filesystem. Filesystem autodetection requires /proc.
-a Mount all filesystems in fstab
-f Dry run
-r Read-only mount
-w Read-write mount (default)
-t FSTYPE Filesystem type
-O OPT Mount only filesystems with option OPT (-a only)
-o OPT:
[a]sync Writes are [a]synchronous
[no]atime Disable/enable updates to inode access times
[no]diratime Disable/enable atime updates to directories
[no]relatime Disable/enable atime updates relative to modification time
[no]dev (Dis)allow use of special device files
[no]exec (Dis)allow use of executable files
[no]suid (Dis)allow set-user-id-root programs
[r]shared Convert [recursively] to a shared subtree
[r]slave Convert [recursively] to a slave subtree
[r]private Convert [recursively] to a private subtree
[un]bindable Make mount point [un]able to be bind mounted
[r]bind Bind a file or directory [recursively] to another location
move Relocate an existing mount point
remount Remount a mounted filesystem, changing flags
ro/rw Same as -r/-w
There are filesystem-specific -o flags.

Delete the sec option and it works!

Is there anyway round this?

1)Can i change the default mount options and delete sec=ntlm ?
2)Can i upgrade busybox to include the sec option support.



Firmware Version
V5.2.5 build 141201
Encoding Version
V5.0 build 140714


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
I heard that there is a bug in the firmware that causes a size limit for CIFS shares. 250 MB or 250 GB or something, but either way, really damn stupid. It is unclear whether this is improved in the latest firmware versions.

My apologies, it seems that couldn't be the problem. My eyes gloss over a little bit when I'm reading linux shell I/O.


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
I don't have a 5.2.5 camera - but for comparison here is the same from a 5.2.3 camera which had the original English-hacked 5.2.0 removed and the language flag changed.
Unable from the GUI?
am unable to mount my window CIFS share.
login as: root
root@'s password:

BusyBox v1.19.3 (2014-07-11 11:25:54 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type ext2 (rw,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
ramfs on /home type ramfs (rw,relatime)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
/dev/ubi1_0 on /dav type ubifs (rw,relatime)
/dev/ubi3_0 on /davinci type ubifs (rw,relatime)
/dev/ubi4_0 on /config type ubifs (rw,relatime)
// on /mnt/nfs01 type cifs (rw,mand,relatime,unc=\\cctv1,username=IPcam,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,nobrl,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,actimeo=1)
# mount -h
mount: invalid option -- 'h'
BusyBox v1.19.3 (2014-07-11 11:25:54 CST) multi-call binary.
Usage: mount [OPTIONS] [-o OPTS] DEVICE NODE
Mount a filesystem. Filesystem autodetection requires /proc.
-a Mount all filesystems in fstab
-f Dry run
-r Read-only mount
-w Read-write mount (default)
-t FSTYPE Filesystem type
-O OPT Mount only filesystems with option OPT (-a only)
-o OPT:
[a]sync Writes are [a]synchronous
[no]atime Disable/enable updates to inode access times
[no]diratime Disable/enable atime updates to directories
[no]relatime Disable/enable atime updates relative to modification time
[no]dev (Dis)allow use of special device files
[no]exec (Dis)allow use of executable files
[no]suid (Dis)allow set-user-id-root programs
[r]shared Convert [recursively] to a shared subtree
[r]slave Convert [recursively] to a slave subtree
[r]private Convert [recursively] to a private subtree
[un]bindable Make mount point [un]able to be bind mounted
[r]bind Bind a file or directory [recursively] to another location
move Relocate an existing mount point
remount Remount a mounted filesystem, changing flags
ro/rw Same as -r/-w
There are filesystem-specific -o flags.
# prtHardInfo
Start at 2015-05-10 11:13:13
Serial NO :DS-2CD2432F-IW20141105CCCH487719881
V5.2.3 build 141024
hardwareVersion = 0x0
hardWareExtVersion = 0x0
encodeChans = 1
decodeChans = 1
alarmInNums = 1
alarmOutNums = 1
ataCtrlNums = 0
flashChipNums = 0
ramSize = 0x4000000
networksNums = 1
language = 1
devType = 38930
net reboot count = 0
SD status = 0 (1:noraml;0:none)
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /data1/data_liwenwei/work/frontend_software_platform_IPC5.2.3
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: df2d70c3-7593-7941-af1e-571b313c0946
Revision: 98053
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: xubingyan
Last Changed Rev: 98047
Last Changed Date: 2014-10-24 13:00:27 +0800 (Fri, 24 Oct 2014)
A few more commands here:
# ./busybox-armv7l
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2013-07-08 10:26:30 CDT) multi-call binary.
BusyBox is copyrighted by many authors between 1998-2012.
Licensed under GPLv2. See source distribution for detailed
copyright notices.
Usage: busybox [function [arguments]...]
or: busybox --list[-full]
or: busybox --install [-s] [DIR]
or: function [arguments]...
BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
will act like whatever it was invoked as.
Currently defined functions:
[, [[, acpid, add-shell, addgroup, adduser, adjtimex, arp, arping, ash,
awk, base64, basename, beep, blkid, blockdev, bootchartd, brctl,
bunzip2, bzcat, bzip2, cal, cat, catv, chat, chattr, chgrp, chmod,
chown, chpasswd, chpst, chroot, chrt, chvt, cksum, clear, cmp, comm,
conspy, cp, cpio, crond, crontab, cryptpw, cttyhack, cut, date, dc, dd,
deallocvt, delgroup, deluser, depmod, devmem, df, dhcprelay, diff,
dirname, dmesg, dnsd, dnsdomainname, dos2unix, du, dumpkmap,
dumpleases, echo, ed, egrep, eject, env, envdir, envuidgid, ether-wake,
expand, expr, fakeidentd, false, fbset, fbsplash, fdflush, fdformat,
fdisk, fgconsole, fgrep, find, findfs, flock, fold, free, freeramdisk,
fsck, fsck.minix, fsync, ftpd, ftpget, ftpput, fuser, getopt, getty,
grep, groups, gunzip, gzip, halt, hd, hdparm, head, hexdump, hostid,
hostname, httpd, hush, hwclock, id, ifconfig, ifdown, ifenslave,
ifplugd, ifup, inetd, init, insmod, install, ionice, iostat, ip,
ipaddr, ipcalc, ipcrm, ipcs, iplink, iproute, iprule, iptunnel,
kbd_mode, kill, killall, killall5, klogd, last, less, linux32, linux64,
linuxrc, ln, loadfont, loadkmap, logger, login, logname, logread,
losetup, lpd, lpq, lpr, ls, lsattr, lsmod, lsof, lspci, lsusb, lzcat,
lzma, lzop, lzopcat, makedevs, makemime, man, md5sum, mdev, mesg,
microcom, mkdir, mkdosfs, mke2fs, mkfifo, mkfs.ext2, mkfs.minix,
mkfs.vfat, mknod, mkpasswd, mkswap, mktemp, modinfo, modprobe, more,
mount, mountpoint, mpstat, mt, mv, nameif, nanddump, nandwrite,
nbd-client, nc, netstat, nice, nmeter, nohup, nslookup, ntpd, od,
openvt, passwd, patch, pgrep, pidof, ping, ping6, pipe_progress,
pivot_root, pkill, pmap, popmaildir, poweroff, powertop, printenv,
printf, ps, pscan, pstree, pwd, pwdx, raidautorun, rdate, rdev,
readahead, readlink, readprofile, realpath, reboot, reformime,
remove-shell, renice, reset, resize, rev, rm, rmdir, rmmod, route, rpm,
rpm2cpio, rtcwake, run-parts, runlevel, runsv, runsvdir, rx, script,
scriptreplay, sed, sendmail, seq, setarch, setconsole, setfont,
setkeycodes, setlogcons, setserial, setsid, setuidgid, sh, sha1sum,
sha256sum, sha3sum, sha512sum, showkey, slattach, sleep, smemcap,
softlimit, sort, split, start-stop-daemon, stat, strings, stty, su,
sulogin, sum, sv, svlogd, swapoff, swapon, switch_root, sync, sysctl,
syslogd, tac, tail, tar, tcpsvd, tee, telnet, telnetd, test, tftp,
tftpd, time, timeout, top, touch, tr, traceroute, traceroute6, true,
tty, ttysize, tunctl, udhcpc, udhcpd, udpsvd, umount, uname, unexpand,
uniq, unix2dos, unlzma, unlzop, unxz, unzip, uptime, users, usleep,
uudecode, uuencode, vconfig, vi, vlock, volname, wall, watch, watchdog,
wc, wget, which, who, whoami, whois, xargs, xz, xzcat, yes, zcat, zcip
# ./busybox-armv7l


Apr 27, 2015
Reaction score
Interesting, but i still don't see an easy fix..... Still does not mount CIFS ... anyone know if i can flash with older version?
Login :
login as: admin
admin@'s password:

BusyBox v1.19.3 (2014-07-11 11:25:54 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# prtHardInfo
Start at 2015-05-15 19:51:32
Serial NO :DS-2CD2132F-IS20150310CCCH503855810
V5.2.5 build 141201
hardwareVersion = 0x0
hardWareExtVersion = 0x0
encodeChans = 1
decodeChans = 1
alarmInNums = 1
alarmOutNums = 1
ataCtrlNums = 0
flashChipNums = 0
ramSize = 0x4000000
networksNums = 1
language = 1
devType = 38942
net reboot count = 0
SD status = 1 (1:noraml;0:none)
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /data1/data_liwenwei/work/frontend_software_platform_5.2 .7_R0
URL: tform/frontend_software_platform_5.2.7_R0
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: df2d70c3-7593-7941-af1e-571b313c0946
Revision: 103727
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: liwenwei
Last Changed Rev: 103727
Last Changed Date: 2014-12-01 20:51:32 +0800 (Mon, 01 Dec 2014)

# busybox
BusyBox v1.19.3 (2014-07-11 11:25:54 CST) multi-call binary.
Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, Denys Vlasenko
and others. Licensed under GPLv2.
See source distribution for full notice.

Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
or: busybox --list[-full]
or: function [arguments]...
BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
will act like whatever it was invoked as.

Currently defined functions:
[, [[, ash, awk, bash, cat, chmod, cp, date, dd, df, dmesg, du, echo,
env, false, fdisk, free, fsync, gunzip, gzip, halt, hwclock, ifconfig,
inetd, init, insmod, iostat, kill, linuxrc, ln, login, ls, lsmod,
lzcat, lzma, mdev, mkdir, mkdosfs, mkfs.vfat, mknod, modprobe, mount,
mpstat, mv, nanddump, nandwrite, netstat, ping, ping6, poweroff, ps,
pwd, reboot, rm, rmmod, route, sed, sh, sleep, sync, tail, tar,
telnetd, test, top, touch, true, umount, unlzma, unxz, xz, xzcat, zcat



Apr 27, 2015
Reaction score
Solution :

Well kind of , the solution would be to change the mount options on the camera. Failing that I found the issue is around the requirement of security signatures. On Win Server it is on by default and is a good idea, so be careful turning it off. I just made it not a requirement but still enabled. Here is the registry key – change from ENABLE to DISABLE and all works!
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\ParametersValue Name: RequireSecuritySignature
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Data: 0 (disable), 1 (enable)