Hikvision nvr DS-7104NI-SLW wrong firmware


Mar 24, 2016
Hi all,

I am new to this forum but i think and hoping you will be abble to help me with a small issue.

I have a Hikvision DS7104NI-SLW NVR and i did a firmware update from the overseas hikvision site.
Normaly nothings wrong but here is my problem.

I downloaded the DS-7104NI-SL version so without the W extention and now my NVR hasn't the option WiFi anymore.
I tryd to downgrade is with the hiktool TFTPserv but i am getting an error ( the AV2000 error ) and i know that it is about the login credentials but on the NVR there is a firmware version 3 above so i can't change the login and password to it's standarts and it must be set to a new long password.
So i think the problem is that i can't use the standart login admin / 12345

So is hope there is a solution to downgrade my NVR to firmware 2 .xxx

I dodn't have a RS232 cable
There seems to be various firmware for the 7104NI-SL_W here: http://www.hikvisioneurope.com/portal/index.php?dir=Product Firmware/Recorder/DS-7100NI-SL_W/
Was that the firmware you used?
but i am getting an error ( the AV2000 error )
That's not a real error - it's just what the NVR does near the end of the bootup process, when the tftp server is still running.
It has nothing to do with logon credentials.
It may be that your NVR is working normally.

If the downgraded or upgraded firmware has the default password, it could be 12345, or 123456789abc, or it could need 'activation'.
You can check the activation status with version 3.x of the SADP tool, download here: http://overseas.hikvision.com/en/tools_82.html
TFTP hangs on the AV2000 error.
It's not hanging on an error - it's just logging an access that was made to it, for a non-existent file.

How do you mean i can see the activation status within SADP because i don't see it.
If SADP does not show the NVR, the NVR is not fully operating.
If it was operating, but say on a different IP address range that your normal PC etc would not be able to access, SADP would still list the device and show it's status, active or unactivated, and IP address, firmware version etc.

I just the V3.0.13 build150503 witch is for the DS-7104NI-SL............
That may be the wrong firmware - there is a separate section for the -SL_W model.
Check out the links I supplied above.
I have got the right firmware V2.xx but TFTP dosn't get any futher than the AV2000.
I did try do download the correct downgraded firmware again but still the AV2000 message.
NVR is fully operation.

Is it posible that when TFTP hangs on te AV2000 message it will go on with te rest of the firmware downgrade ?
Is it posible that when TFTP hangs on te AV2000 message it will go on with te rest of the firmware downgrade ?
The 'AV2000 message' is sent AFTER all the tftp update activity should have been carried out by the bootloader - it's a later part of the NVR bootup process.
If you are not seeing any status messages before this such as client testing connections, digicap.dav file transfer, transfer completed etc then there is probably something wrong with the PC setup.
Things to confirm:
The PC is wired to the LAN, not using WiFi.
The tftp server is the Hikvision-specific one, as can be found inside the link on the first post here: https://www.ipcamtalk.com/showthrea...are-Downgrader-5-3-0-Chinese-to-5-2-5-English
There are also usage instructions included.
The PC IP address should be
The PC firewall must allow all inbound access to 'tftpserve.exe'. Check Control Panel | Windows firewall | Advanced settings | Inbound rules
The digicap.dav file must be in the same folder as the tftp server program.
Still get the message
Connect to client: succes
open file [\c:\TFTP Serv\econt_Vision-AV2000] failure
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Still get the message
Connect to client: succes
open file [\c:\TFTP Serv\econt_Vision-AV2000] failure
But no file transmit?
Do you have a different PC to try?
There have been posts with the same symptoms where Win10 has been the problem.
Oke that was the problem that i was giving it a try with windows 10.
Now with windows 7 there was no problem at all and the downgrade is completed.

Much thanks for the support.
Someone know how to disable wifi on this unit?, because i want to use it as a wired device and dont want the wifi enabled, that way its useless

@magier76 using the wrong firmware, just the menu option wlan disappeared or the real wifi stopped working(i mean, in your devices like cellphone you cant see the ssid)?, because that whats i'm looking for!