HOA demanding Hikvision NVR replaced with Milestone, Seriously?

the only concerns i have... they can attack other countries and turn off all their stuff before , so everything colapses and its a second blitzkrieg

I don't know if your concern is general in nature, or if you are responding directly to the issues raised in my previous post. If you response is more general in nature, then I have to say I agree - hacking by nation states is going to be a large part of how "wars" are fought in the future.

If your response is directed at the issues I raised in the post you quoted, I would say that without internet access the hackers would have to write a very specific and targeted scope because it would have to be 100% autonomous. This means they aren't trolling for information because without an internet connection there isn't any way to get the information back to the hackers. Without internet connections, a device cannot be taken over and controlled by a hacker or used to cause attacks on other networks because they aren't attached to other networks.

A 100% autonomous attack is like the one that targeted the centrifuges. It's hard coded into a device and waits until a specific set of parameters is met and then executes a very specific attack. I can only imagine the time and money it takes to write something like that and it's only going to be used by nation states targeting very specific targets in other nation states. It can't be used to spy on or hack random people. So while the US government is wise to try to limit the ability for attacks like this by banning Chinese devices from their networks, it isn't something that the regular person should worry about - at least not in today's environment.
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I always asking me...

WHY ?! There are lot of people hiding their webcam from laptops (but not on their phones LOL) , speaking about hikvision/dahua/huawei ...... i mean ..... why would china need so many information about zeros worldwide ?
So they watching my favorite porn ? watching me watching my favorite porn ? reading my spam emails about viagra, nigerian relatives ....? watching my trees doing nothing ? What do they do with all the data ? :oops:

the only concerns i have... they can attack other countries and turn off all their stuff before , so everything colapses and its a second blitzkrieg

Exactly the SAME question I ask about Alexa, Facebook, ... hang on, while I respond to my Nigerian Friend who works at Microsoft and wants to login to my PC so I can get my rebate for buying Viagra with bitcoins as he will decrypt my ransomware pc ..

hint: you may not be the direct target, your devices often are great tools for those wanting to get access to bigger fish ...
What's wrong with the Blue Iris + 2x NIC method? :rofl: They should hold onto their Hikvision system and save in the interim :lol:
And speaking of Huawei.....


"In the coming months, it is likely that powerful and connected lobbyists working on Huawei’s behalf will attempt to woo the Biden administration. The most solemn duty of any presidential administration is to protect American national security.......
.......As such, the Biden administration must reject these lobbying efforts and hold the line on Huawei."

Let's hope the current admin does just that, but there's been so many concessions to China since January I'm not holding my breath. :headbang:
I have seen this type of thing with security systems, industrial equipment, cars, services, ANYTHING you can buy. From a few dollars in value to over $20 million. A good salesman comes in and explains to an ignorant (smart but not knowledgeable of the technical aspects or able to delve into them to evaluate it) manager why the system he is selling is superior to others. He tells them about some piece or another that will fail and make them the laughing stock and spend untold millions to fix the issue. Something, usually one or two things, in the presentation sticks with the manager. So he gets behind it, full force, to show his skill, to save the company money, to save them from an unmitigated disaster, whatever. Now the manager is bought in, fully supportive of this new fangled dohickey, and whether he realizes it or not, will damn near die on this hill, for this thing that he is/was convinced is so needed.

Sometimes facts work to dissuade him, sometimes not. But, the way to dissuade him is to pick apart the solution, and show the true cost of the solution, which is almost always either under priced, or over specified (far more capability than required). In this case, you should ask what problem is it solving, and do NOT assume you know. Let me repeat that - DO NOT ASSUME you know why the persons pushing it are so invested!! Also ask how this vendor was located - did they come shopping, friend, someone approach them? Never underestimate long term friendships, relationships, or a friend of a friend.

In over 30 years working with local, state and federal governments on designing, specifying and procuring equipment, I saw one case of corruption. One, and it was services based, not equipment. Hundreds of times I saw people so dedicated to a cause you would swear they were getting paid cash under the table, they never were. They were truly convinced that this solution was the best for the client because of a good salesman (or woman, never underestimate that!)