HOLY SMOKES!! 47 cameras, 26 triggered and recording (rain) only 40% CPU!! Thank you sub-stream!!!


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014

This really is a continuation of my thread here where I sought help from others to get my CPU back down to a reasonable level (60-90% with 40 cameras). But after following their instructions, and implementing sub-stream, my CPU was in the low teens. I was so surprised by the CPU reduction, that I promptly added 7 more cameras. Now I'm scratching at 20% when idle, and with 26 cameras actively recording - to a single 12TB external USB hard drive, no less - I'm only at 40%...

I'm on an old i7-49xx with integrated/discrete video, on 16 GB RAM, utilizing Intel HW acceleration, and direct-to-disc recording on all cameras. I've also configured every capable camera over to H.265.

My mind is officially BLOWN.
Absolutely, bro. You got me here, and I am grateful. Nothing like having a slow, saturated PC suck the joy of camming out of ya - only to have it opened up like a new supercomputer...
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Also, dont miss the simple setting Preview frames, makes a huge difference.
Select a setting that suits your need.

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