HOME ASSISTANT (Assist) Voice Assistant

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
I wanted to share this and see if anyone is using Home Assistant's Voice Assistant (Assist). I do not have Nabu Casa so I am hoping I can use my VPN tunnel through the Home Assistant Home App that I presently have setup and using. Also don't have ESPHome installed, not sure if I need it. Really looking forward to have a Local Voice Assistant and kick Google and Alexa to the curb.

This looks like a good video too, helps in creating a Local Pipeline:
Found this on my Android Phone (S20+ Android version 13), you can change which Voice Assistant you use:
In phone go to Settings/Apps/Choose default apps/Digital assistant app/Device assistant app/Default digital assistant app
There you chose Home Assistant


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Got Assist working thanks to @pete_c
I ended up buying some Atom Echoes. They work but of course their small speaker can be hard to hear. I believe we will see more ESP devices that will have more Mics and speakers.
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Using it today with the little M5 echos. Testing TTS now out of the audio output of Home Assistant to the house audio which works a bit better than the little voice from the M5's. I like it better than the Amazon Echo's all over the house and being non internet dependant for VR / TTS. Historically (and still using) Microsoft SAPI. IE: I have collected MS SAPI voice fonts since the 1990's.

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Still playing with it but turning lights On/Off is great

I have two Echo Atoms. Mainly because I do not like anything cloud based. With these I can keep everything local.
Pete also helped me with some initial installations.
I now have them responding on house speaker along with my TTS.
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I have two Echo Atoms. Mainly because I do not like anything cloud based. With these I can keep everything local.
Pete also helped me with some initial installations.
I now have them responding on house speaker along with my TTS.

I just started using Home assistant at the beginning of the year. Absolutely love it. Replacing my two Amazon echo/Show devices is high on my list of things to do. I have never heard of the Echo Atoms but they look great!
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I just started using Home assistant at the beginning of the year. Absolutely love it. Replacing my two Amazon echo/Show devices is high on my list of things to do. I have never heard of the Echo Atoms but they look great!
Yep, that's my plan, to get rid of these (Google/Amazon) 24/7 listening, Cloud based, Recording, No Privacy devices...

I ordered mine here:

Got them in less than a week...it is an overseas purchase/shipment...but got here fast...
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I have two Echo Atoms. Mainly because I do not like anything cloud based. With these I can keep everything local.
Pete also helped me with some initial installations.
I now have them responding on house speaker along with my TTS.
Yep Pete is Da Man...
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Got my ESP32-S3-BOX-3...I know I am late to the game, ordinally ordered this thru Mouser.com at the end of last year with delivery dates changing every month. When I saw it available on Amazon I placed an order there too. Well, sure enough their estimated deliver date also changed too but it arrived before the June date given.

I see everyone is out of stock again...
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Did you program it yet?
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Did you program it yet?
Not yet, just got through mowing a couple of acres before the storm :), oh and also brushed the pool, all before noon...
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Does this have accomodations for connecting an external speaker for better sound?
In my search I found this:


Apr 24

Put this in your voice_assistant section and it’ll pipe the response out to whichever entity_id you want.

- homeassistant.service:
service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.the_kitchen
media_content_id: !lambda 'return x;'
media_content_type: music
announce: "true"



Was able to figure out how to mute the speaker by removing the speaker component like below:

speaker: !remove
# - id: !remove box_speaker

speaker: !remove box_speaker
on_tts_stream_start: !remove
on_tts_stream_end: !remove
  • lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_replying_phase_id};
  • script.execute: draw_display
  • homeassistant.service:
service: notify.kitchen
message: !lambda 'return x;'
  • lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
  • script.execute: draw_display

on_tts_stream_start|end both require the speaker component so i removed those as well and just went with on_tts_start|end.


Can you please tell me exactly
where should I insert this yaml code? In a “voice_assistant” section of
the esp32-s3-box-3 yaml conf file?


Apr 27

Was able to figure out how to mute the speaker by removing the speaker component like below:

speaker: !remove
# - id: !remove box_speaker

speaker: !remove box_speaker
on_tts_stream_start: !remove
on_tts_stream_end: !remove
- lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_replying_phase_id};
- script.execute: draw_display
- homeassistant.service:
service: notify.kitchen
message: !lambda 'return x;'
- lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
- script.execute: draw_display

on_tts_stream_start|end both require the speaker component so i removed those as well and just went with on_tts_start|end.
I ran across this in my search, pretty kewl:

So I got my ESP32-S3-Box-3 installed today and working. The speaker is what everyone has said, it is no better than the Atom I already have Installed.

I will say the Mic is much, much better. On the Atom you almost have to hold it like a Mic. You do have to speak loud but it picks up my voice from around 4 feet away and that is with a loud floor fan in my room.

Installation was a breeze, but most of the leg work was done when the Atom was installed, thanks @pete_c



These are my settings for the ESP32 S3-Box 3
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Does this have accomodations for connecting an external speaker for better sound?
Here we go, don't know how I missed this 3 moinths ago, I am subscribed to his channel. Guess I quit holding my breath on getting one of these back then.

Anyway this is may be my next project:

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The ESP32-S3-Box 3 comes with a Base which you can power with a battery:


The bottom of the Base: