My Home Assistant Voice PE arrived today...
It was very easy to setup...Actually used my phone's Home Assistant App to communicate to it. The Discovery in Devices worked with no problem. Since I already have Whisper and Piper installed the PE worked right away.
My first impressions, this actually works much, much better than the Atom Echo and the ESP32 S3. It picks up my voice like my Google Assistants (Home and Minis) did. The speaker is definitely louder but still has that voice in a tunnel to it. Alexa and Google have better voices/responses, they sound more human where as this sounds robotic...but I personally don't care too much about this.
I actually like it's design, it is square about 3 1/2 inches square and almost an inch high. So not to small nor too big. When you speak to it you get a sound and blue circling lights. Very easy to see. There is an 3.5 audio out jack for an external speaker. Also there is a slide button on the side, when engaged a read circle light comes on with a sound. Thinking this turns off the Mic., will need to check...

The response time it faster too.
Here it is in Home Assistant
So less than an hour testing, I will say this works very good, almost great. I could live with this Assistant Speaker...
We will see more of these devices coming out. We use to ask Google to play a radio station we liked over all our Google Minis, it was nice to hear music all over the house, think we had 5 or 6 Google Assist Speakers in all our major rooms.