Home surveillance using Linux and cheap IP Cameras?

Dec 20, 2015
Hi there,

I've got my home completely automated, the main components are running on a linux server (fhem, media stuff, etc).
What I'm missing is surveillance, as I'm sometimes away for a couple of days, this would be convenient.

I have no idea of the possibilities here, so I'd like to get some input: I thought I will do this using either WIFI or Ethernet IP Cameras,
cheap chinese ones as a start and use motion or zoneminder on the linux server. Most important feature is motion detection etc, which should all
be possible using these components.

The open questions are:

1. WIFI or Ethernet, as from what I have read so far, software can detect 'image off' both should work. I would
prefer WIFI as I can then place cameras anywhere I like. Or are there any major things to consider?

2. Which IP cameras to get started? I would like to have at least 1 camera with PT or PTZ. They should all have infrared LEDs and 720p is enough.
I place them outside, but not exposed to weather, so I will just try normal indoor cameras first.
The should be rather small if possible and if the price allows, e.g. something like this: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419nduHURiL.jpg
I started looking at FOSCAM.

Can anyone give me some pointers or things to consider when getting started? There are so many standards and cameras out there
that confuses me..

Thanks a lot,
1. WIFI or Ethernet, as from what I have read so far, software can detect 'image off' both should work. I would
prefer WIFI as I can then place cameras anywhere I like. Or are there any major things to consider?

Wifi sux dogs. go hardwired, you will thankyourself...anyway, you'll need to run power to the cam so just run cat and PoE...same effort, MUCH better outcome.

2. Which IP cameras to get started? I would like to have at least 1 camera with PT or PTZ. They should all have infrared LEDs and 720p is enough.
I place them outside, but not exposed to weather, so I will just try normal indoor cameras first.
The should be rather small if possible and if the price allows, e.g. something like this: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419nduHURiL.jpg
I started looking at FOSCAM.

HIKVision imho

ps. zoneminder is not great. For a few cam's and occasioal use, perhaps just record to an SD card ont he cam.
Thanks for the reply! But could you please explain the reasoning behind your statements?

Why does WIFI suck particularly? Why HIKVision? and why is zoneminder not good?
That would help a lot :) Thank you

I don't want to record on SD, as I want to integrate everything in my home automation system.
PoE is of course nice, but I'm unsure if I have it available everywhere. I'd like to start with a rather cheap system to find out what the needs are
and then improve.
... Wifi is not reliable... Zoneminder is extremely limited, cheap cameras are a waste of time, foscam is trash.. Stay away.. Don't buy junk that you will have to replace..
Wifi not reliable in the sense of connection problems? I suppose this depends on the network infrastructure, I never really had any problems.
If there is no eth, one could also use powerlan, but I'm not sure if it supports poe.
What are the zoneminder alternatives? I saw it supports almost everything I need, so I'm unsure about the limitations you are talking about.

Cheap is relative, it does not immediately mean junk, I just want to buy expensive cameras if I don't need to.
What is inexpensive..? Wifi is not reliable regardless of infrastructure.. We are taking about a camera that must stream 24/7..it is only a acceptable for pet watching... This is not a cell phone or laptop..
Powerline adapters can work but cable is best... Look at Blue iris instead of zoneminder..
Let me substitute "cheap" with "lower end". As said I do not need any high end cameras for my home.
I do not have any problems with WIFI 24/7. I use it extensively. I understand the concerns but it also gives me a lot of freedom with placing cameras.
I would as well prefer ethernet though of course but sometimes it isn't possible. However, there are cameras having both, so I just have to select carefully.

What I would prefer are very small cameras that are not immediately visible, it's just a medium house, where I need ~3 cameras outside. It shouldn't look like a prison or bank :)
I'll have a look at Blue Iris, thanks for the hint!

Edit: I saw Blue Iris does not run on Linux, so that's not an option for me.
How much are you willing to spend? Without this info no one can help you.
Do not use wifi on exterior cameras....save yourself the headache..if you cant wire it, pay a low voltage cable runner to do it. Again, cameras are not like your other wifi devices...even slight interferences or packet loses can wreck havoc on video.
If you want cheap/free and linux then zoneminder is your only option anyway..ultimately if you want a powerful vms with lots of options you will have to move from zoneminder...if you simply want basic recording it will do...
I thought about sub 100$ or sub 200$ cameras at first. I do not really need a lot of zoom or resolution. PTZ is basically only needed for two cameras, the others can be fixed.
PoE would be nice, if it has WIFI I will try it first.

Zoneminder can record, stream, define zones, create alarms/events - this is basically what I need. I will create a custom interface/frontend for it.
I thought about sub 100$ or sub 200$ cameras at first. I do not really need a lot of zoom or resolution. PTZ is basically only needed for two cameras, the others can be fixed.
PoE would be nice, if it has WIFI I will try it first.

Zoneminder can record, stream, define zones, create alarms/events - this is basically what I need. I will create a custom interface/frontend for it.
Hikvison. There are tons of threads on the various cameras. Read the threads discussing US region vs china region. PTZ is a gimmick for almost all security applications...You are better off with a wide angle lens capturing the entire room..you will not be manning the cameras 24/7.
Thank's for the pointers! I'm in Europe btw. not sure about shipping etc for US products, but I'll check.
PTZ I thought would be nice for the outside cameras, inside I don't need it anyway.
I might go for something like this, as they are pretty small: http://overseas.hikvision.com/en/Pr...d=1&c_kind2=2&c_kind3=154&c_kind4=209&id=4922
For indoor (living room etc) I would prefer something that doesn't look like big brother though too much :)
Maybe this kind of device? http://overseas.hikvision.com/en/Pr...d=1&c_kind2=2&c_kind3=154&c_kind4=161&id=4920

Another question: For the dome cameras, I remember there were manufacturers that offered a darker dome/glass so that you could not immediately see where the camera
is pointing at. Although this is more relevant for PTZ. Is this available anywhere or do all the cameras have clear glass only?

Thanks a lot for the help.
Good picks, though go for the 3mp versions and you want clear domes for better night vision.

I have the 3mp version of the mini-domes you refer to and highly recommend them (assuming you can not pay for the 4mp versions that have better low light capability). They are very small and unobtrusive (about the size of the palm of your hand).

I also have an Axis 1mp camera (M1025) that looks exactly like the indoor cam you linked to. it looks very discrete in the corner (in line with a PIR for say an alarm system) and people usually do not even notice it. Again, get the 3mp version.

You might also want to think of getting a HIK NVR instead of running a linux system. The discrete NVR's are VERY cheap and very low power and really do a fantastic job by all accounts and also include PoE switches to power the cams...nice :)

Also, consider buying from AliExpress (just ask here before buying as some cams are Europe versions and some are China versions) - they folks here will help make sure you get the right ones at a good price from a good seller.
Thanks a lot, that sounds good!
I cannot do a lot of (re-) wiring, so I plan to use not a switch but single POE injectors where needed.
It's hard to find cameras with different form factors - still looking for some alternatives to the above linked, discrete, indoor cam.
I also thought about using raspberry pi's, but couldn't find a lot.

What I'm also trying to find is something like this:
to use it on garage and front doors. As the quality here really does not matter (only need to check if a car is blocking the garage door), I thought
there might be cheaper chinese alternatives. But there is not much.
...Also, consider buying from AliExpress (just ask here before buying as some cams are Europe versions and some are China versions) - they folks here will help make sure you get the right ones at a good price from a good seller.

You should clearly understand the potential downside of purchasing from AliExpress before you do so Christop...

I am currently dealing with the worst case scenario. I have 40 cameras up and running and am struggling to get a feature working. There is no support for these cameras by the company because China sends you to US and the US tell you to kick rocks because they are Chinese cameras. Never again will I buy non US cameras, regardless of savings. You also cant ugrade the firmware because it will revert the camera back to its origonal language, which would be Chinese in this case. As for price savings the difference in AliExpress compared to @milkisbad is marginal from what I am seeing. I just wish I knew about him before getting the cameras elsewhere.