how easy is it to set up TailScale ?

Sep 19, 2015
Naples Fl
is there a youtube guide for dummies? I can's seem to make Ngrok work for more than a day
I assume you are using a standard router (I use Tailscale on my PfSense router). With a standard router, it's easy doing it using PC, like your Blue Iris System. Lon has a good video on setting it up on different OSes/devices. I had some issues getting it to work on PfSense, but finally got it working.

So I’ve set up 3 devices on a Tailscale account.
my blue iris machine, iPad, and IPhone - now what?

I also have a couple of Amazon fire tablets, one is running UI3 24/7 on LAN — can I utilize this somehow?

what is the best way to use Tailscale? Do I need an app for BI on my phone.
All I really want to do is view UI3 on my phone or IPad when away from home.

I’m totally lost here…

I did download rdp on my phone and I can connect to my BI machine with Wi-Fi turned off. So Tailscale connection is good.
there has to be a more efficient way to get to UI3

How do you use Tailscale?

Please explain it to me like I’m a ditch digger.
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duz that help at all?


duz that help at all?
I'm hooked up to tailscale, that was a small learning curve but done.

What I'm confused on is how to actually see UI3? Maybe I'm overthinking it.
I can RDP into my blue iris machine, open the browser and type my UI3 address. Is that it? Seems awful slow and a lot of steps.

Is there a way to see my UI3 on an Iphone with 1 click using tailscale?

My house is not a computer house. Only things on all the time are the BI machine, 1 amazon fire tablet, Router and modem.
Oh, I'm not versed in UI3. I don't use it currently.
The one step scenario may not be possible.

Overall, TS will need to be on both the BI computer and the phone. Check your TS screen to make sure both are activated. Phone on either WiFi or data depending on your location (how far from home WiFi).

Then on the phone, bring up a browser and type in the UI3 address. It will be something like This address will display in BI under web server in the BI settings panel (gear icon - upper left corner of screen). The 81 is the port number and may be different in your setup.

Would assume, in BI, that the desire would be to login as an "admin". Other users can be added with less access. Blue Iris Settings > Web Server > User and select user and double click to set specific settings for the selected user or users.

Have used FireFox, Duck Duck Go and Kiwi on Android tables and phones. Choose what works best for your needs to view UI3. Apple browsers may be different.

Type the address into a browser on your phone. Log into BI and view. The browser, should remember the BI URL.
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Sounds like I’m not as confused as I thought.

Be sure both devices are connected in tailscale
open Remote Desktop protocol on phone
log into BI machine using IP address provided by tailscale
open browser on BI machine using phone
open UI3 on BI machine viewing on phone

I certainly thought it would be more streamlined than that.

I don't use BI or UI3, but you only need one instance of Tailscale running behind or on your firewall if you advertize sub-net routes.

Then you can access any device using the private IP address assigned by your local network (not the TS assigned IP), including any web applications. This of course assumes your devices have a static IP or a static DHCP reservation.

For example, I can run Tailscale on any client on my network (firewall, NAS, Apple TV, computer, tablet, etc.) with sub-net routes enabled and access any IP based device on my network.

Seems like you should be able to access UI3 directly via a browser on a phone without all the extra steps.
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Elvis - It will take a little bit of learning for me to understand what you just wrote.

I did see the part about subnet routing on Tailscale.
I'm going to assume that you installed Tailscale on your Blue Iris system. Try going into your phone, enable Tailscale on phone, bring up a browser on your phone, type in your Blue Iris Tailscale IP address. You may need to add the port onto the end of it (i.e. If that doesn't work, try going to Blue Iris / Settings / Web Server, enter in the Tailscale IP address assigned to your BI system in Remote,external area, save, reboot.

As for using Tailscale locally (i.e. your iPad), don't use it....use the local IP address, as the Tailscale IP should be used only if you are remote.
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I have tried having both my phone and my BI machine connected to Tailscale and just opening brave browser and entering UI3 address with the port also. This is with Wi-Fi off on the phone. Just goes to search results for the IP. Does not connect to UI3.

I can do it thru RDP, and then open the browser on the BI machine. It’s not too bad actually, rather quick but now I’m controlling a windows desktop with IOS mobile - not a perfect solution.

I’ll give your suggestion a look later today by entering the Tailscale IP address. Not real familiar with what your suggesting but I’ll certainly give it a look.

And I agree, In no way do I want to access UI3 thru Tailscale while I’m home on local network

For your test, are you using or in the phone browser? (change URL/port number to that required by your system)

Are you able to connect to UI3 on your internal LAN using your BI generated IP address?
My BI machine has a different IP address due to not assigning an IP on my router for a couple of reboots. That problem is solved.

my test was only typing the IP address and the port :81

I guess I should try /ui3.htm version and see what happens

tried again, both versions — at home, Wi-Fi off, data on, operation times out and nothing happens

and yes, I get right in with Wi-Fi on on local network
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I'm going to assume that you installed Tailscale on your Blue Iris system. Try going into your phone, enable Tailscale on phone, bring up a browser on your phone, type in your Blue Iris Tailscale IP address. You may need to add the port onto the end of it (i.e. If that doesn't work, try going to Blue Iris / Settings / Web Server, enter in the Tailscale IP address assigned to your BI system in Remote,external area, save, reboot.

As for using Tailscale locally (i.e. your iPad), don't use it....use the local IP address, as the Tailscale IP should be used only if you are remote.

This didn’t work either.
Entered Tailscale IP address in remote, external access with port :81 at end
hit ok, then shut down and restart BI.
open brave on phone, enter ui3 address and session times out
I have nothing else checked in the remote external access box
Backing up another step.

Check your machines on the TS site.

There should be at least two machines listed. One for the phone and the other for the BI computer. With TS activated on both of your devices, the TS website on the right side under "Last Seen" there should be a green dot and the word "Connected". This same information should also be displayed on the TS phone app.

Would assume that you are seeing this, but just checking to make sure.
Yes, both devices are connected.

I can access thru Remote Desktop protocol. It’s not that bad besides, as I said before, running a windows desktop with an IOS phone. Haven’t played with it much on the iPad.

I’m wondering if I should try and access a fire tablet running ui3 24/7/365. That would be android vs iOS. Could always access remotely on a 2nd fire tablet if Wi-Fi is available.
I've run out of ideas on why it doesn't. I don't have the same setup as you, I have a computer using PfSense as a router and have Tailscale installed at the router, so I just enter in the local IP address of BI to access it via UI3.
One could also check to see if there are any firewall issues. i.e. inbound/outbound rules.

Also not sure if they are running BI on a Window's 10/11 desktop computer.