How to connect Tinycam Monitor to Blue Iris

Tinycam pro stopped working for me on this version of blue iris It was working fine on previous version
That is because this new version uses a new webserver - UI3...the tiny cam developer @alexvas will likely have to make changes.
You can uncheck that option in the webserver tab for now, but you will miss out on the great new interface if you use a web browser to login...
Before you do anything else, make sure you disable UI3 on webserver options tab in BI, as mentioned above. I spent an hour earlier trying to figure out why my Tinycam stopped working and that was the reason.

I started another thread on it.
As a workaround, I use the custom_vendors.xml method in TinyCam.
Then set your camera brand to use the "MyHome", Model "BlueIris UI3".
Just use a different Chanel number to get a different camera image.

Change Ports below to suit your server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <vendor name="MyHome">
        <model name="BlueIris UI3" defaultPort="8888" defaultRtspPort="554">
            <request name="Snap">/image/Cam%CAMERANO%?q=50</request>
Works like normal for me except the h.264 part. jpeg and mjpeg both work local and remote (via stunnel and https) and I'm on x64